Verse API version: 33.00.
Welcome to the Verse API Reference! This is an automatically generated reference manual from the modules that currently exist in Verse. You can find all modules and their members here, organized hierarchically. We recommend you begin by browsing the modules, or using the left-side search bar to filter for a known term, such as a class or function name.
To get started, browse the following expanded, hierarchical list of all Verse modules. Everything that you can use in the Verse API exists within one of these modules. You can click on any module to go to its page, where you will find links to all of its direct members (such as classes, enumerated types, and so on), as well as related modules. You can also use the left-side content panel to browse through all API members.
Verse Module List
(Top Level Module)
(Top Level Module)
(Top Level Module)