Parameter modules exist to pass data out of a particle system so that it can control other aspects, such as materials.
The Dynamic module is used to pass four scalar values to the material(s) used by the emitter allowing the emitter to control material effects.
Property |
Description |
ParticleModuleParameterDynamic |
Dynamic Params |
The array of dynamic parameters for the module. Each element in the Dynamic Params array has the following properties:
Property |
Description |
Param Name |
The name of the associated parameter in the DynamicParameter expression of the material. This property is read-only and populated automatically when a Particle Dynamic material expression exists within the material applied to this emitter. |
Use Emitter Time |
If true, use the emitter time to retrieve the distribution value for the parameter. Otherwise, use the particle-relative time. |
Spawn Time Only |
If true, only set the parameter value when the particle is spawned. Otherwise, the value is updated each frame. |
Value Method |
Specifies the method used to get the parameter value. It includes the following options:
Method |
Description |
EDPV_UserSet |
The value set in the Param Value property is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityX |
The particle velocity along the X-axis is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityY |
The particle velocity along the Y-axis is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityZ |
The particle velocity along the Z-axis is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityMag |
The magnitude of the particle velocity is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
Scale Velocity By Param Value |
If true, the velocity value passed to the material will be scaled by the value set in the Param Value distribution. |
Param Value |
A float distribution for setting the parameter value to use with the EDPV_UserSet method. |
Dynamic (Seed)
The Dynamic (Seed) module is identical to the Dynamic Parameter module in that it allows the emitter to pass values to the material(s); however, this module allows you to specify seed information to be used when choosing distribution values in order to provide a more consistent effect from the module each time the emitter is used. It contains the following member(s):
Property |
Description |
RandomSeed |
Random Seed Info |
The random seed(s) to use for selecting "random" values for this module's properties.
Property |
Description |
Get Seed From Instance |
If true, the module will attempt to get the seed from the owner instance. If that fails, it will fall back to getting it from the Random Seeds array. |
Instance Seed Is Index |
If true, the seed value retrieved from the instance will be an index into the Random Seeds array. |
Parameter Name |
The name to expose to the placed instance for setting this seed. |
Random Seeds |
The random seed values to utilize for this module. If multiple values are specified, a value will be chosen at random by the instance. |
Reset Seed On Emitter Looping |
If true, the seed will be reset each time the emitter loops. |
ParticleModuleParameterDynamic |
Dynamic Params |
The array of dynamic parameters for the module. Each element in the Dynamic Params array has the following properties:
Property |
Description |
Param Name |
The name of the associated parameter in the DynamicParameter expression of the material. This property is read-only and populated automatically when a Particle Dynamic material expression exists within the material applied to this emitter. |
Use Emitter Time |
If true, use the emitter time to retrieve the distribution value for the parameter. Otherwise, use the particle-relative time. |
Spawn Time Only |
If true, only set the parameter value when the particle is spawned. Otherwise, the value is updated each frame. |
Value Method |
Specifies the method used to get the parameter value. It includes the following options:
Method |
Description |
EDPV_UserSet |
The value set in the Param Value property is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityX |
The particle velocity along the X-axis is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityY |
The particle velocity along the Y-axis is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityZ |
The particle velocity along the Z-axis is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
EDPV_VelocityMag |
The magnitude of the particle velocity is passed to the material as the parameter's value. |
Scale Velocity By Param Value |
If true, the velocity value passed to the material will be scaled by the value set in the Param Value distribution. |
Param Value |
A float distribution for setting the parameter value to use with the EDPV_UserSet method. |