Emitter |
Material |
The material to apply to the particles. |
Emitter Origin |
The point in 3D space where particles will be emitted from this emitter, unless otherwise specified by other modules. |
Emitter Rotation |
A local rotation applied to the emitter itself. |
Screen Alignment |
How the particle is oriented in relation to the camera. The following modes are allowed:
Flag |
Description |
FacingCameraPosition |
Particles will rotate to face the camera position, but will ignore camera rotation. |
Square |
Uniform scale (forced to the X setting), facing the camera. |
Rectangle |
Non-uniform scale, facing the camera. |
Velocity |
Orient the particle towards both the camera and the direction the particle is moving. Non-uniform scaling is allowed. |
TypeSpecific |
Use the alignment method indicated in the type data module. (Mesh only) |
Use Local Space |
Indicates whether the particle emitter should apply the world transform of its parent (false) or not (true). When true, a particle emitter will perform all operations in local space. |
Kill On Deactivate |
Indicates whether the particle emitter should kill all particles on deactivation. If false, any living particles will complete their lifetime when the emitter is deactivated. |
Kill On Completed |
Indicates whether the particle system component should kill this emitter instance when it completes. |
Sort mode |
The sorting mode use for the emitter.
Mode |
Description |
No sorting is performed. |
PSORTMODE_ViewProjDepth |
Sort particles by depth based on the view projection. |
PSORTMODE_DistanceToView |
Sort particles by distance of the particle to the camera in world space. |
PSORTMODE_Age_OldestFirst |
Sort the particles by age, with oldest particle drawn first. |
PSORTMODE_Age_NewestFirst |
Sort the particles by age, with newest particle drawn first. |
Use Legacy Emitter Time |
If true, the EmitterTime for the emitter will be calculated by modulating the SecondsSinceCreation by the EmitterDuration. As this can lead to issues with looping and variable duration, a new approach has been implemented. If false, this new approach is utilized, and the EmitterTime is simply incremented by DeltaTime each tick. When the emitter loops, it adjusts the EmitterTime by the current EmitterDuration resulting in proper looping/delay behavior. |
Orbit Module Affects Velocity Alignment |
If true, movement generated by orbit modules is applied to velocity-aligned particles. |
Duration |
Emitter Duration |
Indicates how long, in seconds, the emitter will run before looping. If set to 0, the emitter will never loop. |
Emitter Duration Low |
Gives the low-end of emitter duration to allow for variations in the duration of an emitter. |
Emitter Duration Use Range |
When true, the emitter will select a duration from the range of EmitterDurationLow to EmitterDuration when starting up. |
Duration Recalc Each Loop |
When true, the emitter will select a new duration from the range of EmitterDurationLow to EmitterDuration when looping. |
Emitter Loops |
The number of times to loop before going inactive. If set to 0, the emitter will run constantly, looping 'forever'. |
Delay |
Emitter Delay |
The amount of time to delay starting the emitter. This allows for 'staggering' emitters within a single particle system. This also serves as the upper bound for choosing a random delay value when using a range. |
Emitter Delay Low |
The lower bound for choosing a random delay value when using a range. |
Emitter Delay Use Range |
If true, the effective delay value for the emitter will be a random value chosen from the range [Emitter Delay Low, Emitter Delay]. |
Delay First Loop Only |
When true, and emitter with an EmitterDelay of greater than 0 and EmitterLoops greater than 1 will only perform the delay on the first loop. |
Sub UV |
The Sub UV data indicates that the emitter should utilize sub-images of the texture applied. This is useful for implementing simple animations on particles. |
Interpolation Method |
An enumeration indicating the method that should be utilized to interpolate between sub-images. This can be one of the following:
Method |
Description |
None |
Do not apply SubUV modules to this emitter. |
Linear |
Smoothly transition between sub-images in the given order, with no blending between the current and the next. |
Linear_Blend |
Smoothly transition between sub-images in the given order, blending between the current and the next. |
Random |
Pick the next image at random, with no blending between the current and the next. |
Random_Blend |
Pick the next image at random, blending between the current and the next. |
Sub Images_Horizontal |
The number of sub-images in the texture on the horizontal (x) axis of the texture. |
Sub Images_Vertical |
The number of sub-images in the texture on the vertical (y) axis of the texture. |
Scale UV |
Indicates that the UV values should be scaled to properly `fit' the sub-image size. This is only used for mesh emitters. |
Random Image Changes |
The number of times to changes the image over the lifetime of the particle when InterpolationMethod is set to Random. |
Macro UV |
The Macro UV section indicates that the emitter should utilize macro UVs, which allow for a single image to be mapped contiguously across multiple particles, rather than individually for each particle. Be aware that to make use of this feature, the material applied to the particles must utilize the ParticleMacroUV material expression node. |
Override System Macro UV |
If true, the settings here will override the system Macro UV settings, which can be seen by deselecting all emitters and modules in Cascade's Emitter List. |
Macro UVPosition |
The local space position from which all Macro UV calculations will originate. |
Macro UVRadius |
World radius beyond which any Macro UV materials will begin tiling. |
Rendering |
Use Max Draw Count |
When true, the emitter will never draw more than MaxDrawCount particles. All particles will still be updated when ticking. |
Max Draw Count |
The number of particles to limit rendering to. |
UV Flipping Mode |
Enabled the flipping of Sprite and GPU particles UV's in a number of different ways.
Mode |
Description |
None |
No UV flipping occurs. This is the default. |
FlipUV |
Flips the U and V texture coordinates. |
U Only |
Flips only the U texture coordinate. |
V Only |
Flips the V texture coordinate. |
Random Flip UV |
Randomly flips U and V together at spawn time. |
Random Flip U Only |
Randomly flips just U at spawn time. |
Random Flip V Only |
Randomly flips just V at spawn time. |
Random Flip UV Independent |
Randomly flips U and V independently at spawn time. |
Normals |
Emitter Normals Mode |
The mode used to generate normals for this emitter LOD.
Mode |
Description |
ENM_CameraFacing |
Default mode, normals are based on the camera facing geometry. |
ENM_Spherical |
Normals are generated from a sphere centered at NormalsSphereCenter. |
ENM_Cylindrical |
Normals are generated from a cylinder going through NormalsSphereCenter, in the direction NormalsCylinderDirection. |
Normals Sphere Center |
When Emitter Normals Mode is ENM_Spherical, particle normals are created to face away from Normals Sphere Center. The value is in local space. |
Normals Cylinder Direction |
When Emitter Normals Mode is ENM_Cylindrical, particle normals are created to face away from the cylinder going through Normals Sphere Center in the direction Normals Cylinder Direction. This value is in local space. |