These modules implement methods of causing particles to be attracted toward a specific position in space, which can be defined in the form of a point, line, or another particle's position. They can even be combined to create more complex effects.
This is the result of using a point attractor in combination with a line attractor with its strength animated over the life of the particle to create the swirling effect.
Line Attractor
The Line Attractor allows for having particles be drawn to a line in 3D space.
Property | Description |
Attractor | |
End Point 0 | Specifies one endpoint of the line to attract the particles toward. |
End Point 1 | Specifies the other endpoint of the line to attract the particles toward. |
Range | A float distribution giving the radial range of the attraction around the line. Particle-life relative. |
Strength | The strength of the attraction (negative values repel). Particle-life relative. |
Particle Attractor
The Particle Attractor allows for having particles be drawn to the particles emitted from another emitter in the system. It contains the following member(s):
Property | Description | ||||||
Attractor | |||||||
EmitterName | The name of the attracting source emitter. | ||||||
Range | A float distribution giving the radial range of the attraction around the source particle. Particle-life relative. | ||||||
Strength By Distance | If true, the value in the strength curve is retrieved using the following value: (AttractorRange-DistanceToParticle)/AttractorRange. Otherwise, the strength is retrieved using the source particle RelativeTime. | ||||||
Strength | The strength of the attraction (negative values repel). Particle-life relative if Strength By Distance is false. | ||||||
Affect Base Velocity | If true, the velocity adjustment will be applied to the base velocity. | ||||||
Renew Source | If true, when the source particle expires, a new one will be selected. Otherwise, the particle will no longer be attracted to another. | ||||||
Inherit Source Vel | If true, the particle will inherit the velocity of the source if it expires. | ||||||
Location | |||||||
SelectionMethod | The method to use when selecting an attractor target particle from the emitter. Can be one of the following:
Point Attractor
The Point Attractor allows for defining a point to which particles are attracted and its radius of effect. It contains the following member(s):
Property | Description |
Attractor | |
Position | A vector distribution indicating the position of the point with respect to the particle emitter. The value is retrieved using EmitterTime. |
Range | A float distribution that gives the radius of the points effect. The value is retrieved using EmitterTime. |
Strength | The strength of the point attractor. The value is retrieved using EmitterTime. |
Strength By Distance | If true, the strength is distributed evenly along the radius. |
Affect Base Velocity | If true, the base velocity of the particle will be adjusted to retain the pull of the attractor. |
Override Velocity | Unused. |
Use World Space Position | If true, the position is assumed to be in world-space coordinates. |
Point Gravity
The Point Gravity module attracts particles towards a singular point in 3D space, using a given strength value. It is similar to the Newton field in Maya's particle system. It can be used to pull particles toward a source or to create orbital effects around a point.
Point Gravity is the only Attractor module usable by GPU Sprites.
Property | Description |
Point Gravity Source | |
Position | Provides the point in 3D space where the gravity will originate. |
Radius | The radial area of effect of the gravitational pull. |
Strength | This float distribution dictates how much affect the gravity point will have on the particles. |