FDebugResolution |
FDelegateEditorBinding |
FDesignerExtensibilityManager |
Designer Extensibility Manager keep a series of Designer Extensions. |
FDesignerExtension |
The Designer extension allows developers to provide additional widgets and custom painting to the designer surface for specific widgets. |
FDesignerSurfaceElement |
The basic element returned for extending the design surface. |
FDirectoryWidgetCompilerOptions |
FEditorPropertyPath |
FEditorPropertyPathSegment |
FNamedSlotSelection |
FPropertyBindingExtensibilityManager |
Bindings menu extensibility manager holds a list of registered bindings menu extensions. |
FWidgetAnimation_DEPRECATED |
Struct used only for loading old animations |
FWidgetBlueprintCompiler |
FWidgetBlueprintCompilerContext |
FWidgetBlueprintDelegates |
Widget Delegates |
FWidgetBlueprintEditor |
Widget blueprint editor (extends Blueprint editor) |
FWidgetBlueprintEditorUtils |
FWidgetCompilerOptions |
FWidgetHandle |
FWidgetReference |
The Widget reference is a useful way to hold onto the selection in a way that allows for up to date access to the current preview object. |
FWidgetTemplate |
The widget template represents a widget or a set of widgets to create and spawn into the widget tree. |
IDesignerExtensionFactory |
Factory that creates a unique DesignerExtension when a UMG designer is created. |
IHasDesignerExtensibility |
Indicates that a class has a designer that is extensible |
IHasPropertyBindingExtensibility |
Indicates that a class has a bindings menu that is extensible |
IPropertyBindingExtension |
IUMGDesigner |
The public interface implemented by the UMG Designer to allow extensions to call methods on the designer. |
IUMGEditorModule |
The public interface of the UMG editor module. |
UK2Node_WidgetAnimationEvent |
USlateVectorArtDataFactory |
UUMGEditorProjectSettings |
Implements the settings for the UMG Editor Project Settings |
UWidgetBlueprint |
The widget blueprint enables extending UUserWidget the user extensible UWidget. |
UWidgetBlueprintExtension |
Extension that allows per-system data to be held on the widget blueprint, and per-system logic to be executed during compilation |
UWidgetBlueprintFactory |
UWidgetBlueprintThumbnailRenderer |
UWidgetBlueprintToolMenuContext |
UWidgetCompilerRule |
UWidgetEditingProjectSettings |
Implements the settings for the UMG Editor Project Settings |
UWidgetGraphSchema |
UWidgetPaletteFavorites |