Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > CoreUObject > UObject
Module | CoreUObject |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/UObject/CoreNet.h |
Include | #include "UObject/CoreNet.h" |
struct FNetDeltaSerializeInfo
FNetDeltaSerializeInfo This is the parameter structure for delta serialization. It is kind of a dumping ground for anything custom implementations may need.
Type | Name | Description | |
bool | bCalledPreNetReceive | Whether or not PreNetReceive has been called on the owning object. | |
bool | bGuidListsChanged | Whether or not we changed Guid / Object references. Used when reading. | |
bool | bInternalAck | Whether or the connection is completely reliable. | |
bool | bIsInitializingBaseFromDefault | Whether we are currently initializing base from defaults in which case we should not modify the source | |
bool | bIsWritingOnClient | Whether or not we're sending / writing data from the client. | |
bool | bOutHasMoreUnmapped | Whether or not there are still some outstanding unmapped objects referenced by the struct. | |
bool | bOutSomeObjectsWereMapped | If true, then we successfully mapped some unmapped objects. | |
bool | bSupportsFastArrayDeltaStructSerialization | Whether or not we support FFastArraySerializer::FastArrayDeltaSerialize_DeltaSerializeStructs | |
bool | bUpdateUnmappedObjects | If true, we are updating unmapped objects | |
UNetConnection * | Connection | Connection that we're currently serializing data for. | |
uint16 | CustomDeltaIndex | ||
UObject * | CustomDeltaObject | Used by SendCustomDeltaProperty to distinguish between the source object (archetype) and the replicating object. | |
void * | Data | Pointer to the struct that we're serializing. | |
FString | DebugName | Debugging variables. | |
TSet< FNetworkGUID > * | GatherGuidReferences | When non-null, this indicates that we're gathering Guid References. | |
UPackageMap * | Map | PackageMap that can be used to serialize objects and track Guid References. | |
const FNetworkGUID * | MoveGuidToUnmapped | When non-null, this indicates the given Guid has become unmapped and any references to it should be updated. | |
INetSerializeCB * | NetSerializeCB | Pointer to a NetSerializeCB implementation that can be used when serializing. | |
TSharedPtr< INetDeltaBaseState > * | NewState | SharedPtr to new base state created by NetDeltaSerialize. Used when writing. | |
UObject * | Object | The object that owns the struct we're serializing, may be an archetype. | |
INetDeltaBaseState * | OldState | Pointer to the previous base state. Used when writing. | |
FBitReader * | Reader | Used when reading | |
UStruct * | Struct | Type of struct that we're serializing. | |
int32 * | TrackedGuidMemoryBytes | When we're gathering guid references, ny memory used to track Guids can be added to this. | |
FBitWriter * | Writer | Used when writing |