- class unreal.MovieSceneSequence(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')¶
Abstract base class for movie scene animations (C++ version).
C++ Source:
Module: MovieScene
File: MovieSceneSequence.h
- add_marked_frame(marked_frame) int32 ¶
Add a given user marked frame.
A unique label will be generated if the marked frame label is empty
InMarkedFrame: The given user marked frame to add *
- Parameters:
marked_frame (MovieSceneMarkedFrame) –
- Returns:
The index to the newly added marked frame
- Return type:
- add_master_track(track_type) MovieSceneTrack ¶
Add Master Track deprecated: AddMasterTrack is deprecated. Please use AddTrack instead
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- add_possessable(object_to_possess) MovieSceneBindingProxy ¶
Add a new binding to this sequence that will possess the specified object
- Parameters:
object_to_possess (Object) – The object that this sequence should possess when evaluating
- Returns:
A unique identifier for the new binding
- Return type:
- add_root_folder_to_sequence(new_folder_name) MovieSceneFolder ¶
Add a root folder to the given sequence
- Parameters:
new_folder_name (str) – The name to give the added folder
- Returns:
The newly created folder
- Return type:
- add_spawnable_from_class(class_to_spawn) MovieSceneBindingProxy ¶
Add a new binding to this sequence that will spawn the specified object
- add_spawnable_from_instance(object_to_spawn) MovieSceneBindingProxy ¶
Add a new binding to this sequence that will spawn the specified object
- Parameters:
object_to_spawn (Object) – An object instance to use as a template for spawning
- Returns:
A unique identifier for the new binding
- Return type:
- add_track(track_type) MovieSceneTrack ¶
Add a new track of the specified type
- delete_marked_frame(delete_index) None ¶
Delete the user marked frame by index.
DeleteIndex: The index to the user marked frame to delete
- Parameters:
delete_index (int32) –
- find_binding_by_id(binding_id) MovieSceneBindingProxy ¶
Attempt to locate a binding in this sequence by its Id
- Parameters:
binding_id (Guid) – The binding Id to look up
- Returns:
A unique identifier for the binding, or invalid
- Return type:
- find_binding_by_name(name) MovieSceneBindingProxy ¶
Attempt to locate a binding in this sequence by its name
- Parameters:
name (str) – The display name of the binding to look up
- Returns:
A unique identifier for the binding, or invalid
- Return type:
- find_binding_by_tag(binding_name) MovieSceneObjectBindingID ¶
Find the first object binding ID associated with the specified tag name (set up through RMB->Expose on Object bindings from within sequencer)
- Parameters:
binding_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- find_bindings_by_tag(binding_name) Array[MovieSceneObjectBindingID] ¶
Find all object binding IDs associated with the specified tag name (set up through RMB->Expose on Object bindings from within sequencer)
- Parameters:
binding_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- find_marked_frame_by_frame_number(frame_number) int32 ¶
Find the user marked frame by frame number
InFrameNumber: The frame number of the user marked frame to find
- Parameters:
frame_number (FrameNumber) –
- Return type:
- find_marked_frame_by_label(label) int32 ¶
Find the user marked frame by label
InLabel: The label to the user marked frame to find
- Parameters:
label (str) –
- Return type:
- find_master_tracks_by_exact_type(track_type) Array[MovieSceneTrack] ¶
Find Master Tracks by Exact Type deprecated: FindMasterTracksByExactType is deprecated. Please use FindTracksByExactType instead
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- find_master_tracks_by_type(track_type) Array[MovieSceneTrack] ¶
Find Master Tracks by Type deprecated: FindMasterTracksByType is deprecated. Please use FindTracksByType instead
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- find_next_marked_frame(frame_number, forward) int32 ¶
Find the next/previous user marked frame from the given frame number
InFrameNumber: The frame number to find the next/previous user marked frame from * bForward: Find forward from the given frame number.
- Parameters:
frame_number (FrameNumber) –
forward (bool) –
- Return type:
- find_tracks_by_exact_type(track_type) Array[MovieSceneTrack] ¶
Find all tracks of the specified type, not allowing sub-classed types
- find_tracks_by_type(track_type) Array[MovieSceneTrack] ¶
Find all tracks of the specified type
- get_bindings() Array[MovieSceneBindingProxy] ¶
Get all the bindings in this sequence
- Returns:
An array of unique identifiers for all the bindings in this sequence
- Return type:
- get_clock_source() UpdateClockSource ¶
Get the clock source for this sequence
- Returns:
The clock source for this sequence
- Return type:
- get_display_rate() FrameRate ¶
Gets this sequence’s display rate
- Returns:
The display rate that this sequence is displayed as
- Return type:
- get_earliest_timecode_source() MovieSceneTimecodeSource ¶
Get the earliest timecode source out of all of the movie scene sections contained within this sequence’s movie scene.
- Return type:
- get_evaluation_type() MovieSceneEvaluationType ¶
Get the evaluation type for this sequence
- Returns:
The evaluation type for this sequence
- Return type:
- get_marked_frames() Array[MovieSceneMarkedFrame] ¶
- Returns:
Return the user marked frames
- Return type:
- get_master_tracks() Array[MovieSceneTrack] ¶
Get Master Tracks deprecated: GetMasterTracks is deprecated. Please use GetTracks instead
- Return type:
- get_movie_scene() MovieScene ¶
Get this sequence’s movie scene data
- Returns:
This sequence’s movie scene data object
- Return type:
- get_playback_end() int32 ¶
Get playback end of this sequence in display rate resolution
- Returns:
Playback end of this sequence
- Return type:
- get_playback_end_seconds() float ¶
Get playback end of this sequence in seconds
- Returns:
Playback end of this sequence
- Return type:
- get_playback_range() SequencerScriptingRange ¶
Get playback range of this sequence in display rate resolution
- Returns:
Playback range of this sequence
- Return type:
- get_playback_start() int32 ¶
Get playback start of this sequence in display rate resolution
- Returns:
Playback start of this sequence
- Return type:
- get_playback_start_seconds() float ¶
Get playback start of this sequence in seconds
- Returns:
Playback start of this sequence
- Return type:
- get_portable_binding_id(destination_sequence, binding) MovieSceneObjectBindingID ¶
Get a portable binding ID for a binding that resides in a different sequence to the one where this binding will be resolved. note:: This function must be used over GetBindingID when the target binding resides in different shots or sub-sequences. note:: Only unique instances of sequences within a root sequences are supported
- Parameters:
destination_sequence (MovieSceneSequence) – The sequence that will own or resolve the resulting binding ID. For example, if the binding ID will be applied to a camera cut section pass the sequence that contains the camera cut track to this parameter.
binding (MovieSceneBindingProxy) –
- Returns:
The binding’s id
- Return type:
- get_possessables() Array[MovieSceneBindingProxy] ¶
Get all the possessables in this sequence
- Returns:
Possessables in this sequence
- Return type:
- get_root_folders_in_sequence() Array[MovieSceneFolder] ¶
Get the root folders in the provided sequence
- Returns:
The folders contained within the given sequence
- Return type:
- get_spawnables() Array[MovieSceneBindingProxy] ¶
Get all the spawnables in this sequence
- Returns:
Spawnables in this sequence
- Return type:
- get_tick_resolution() FrameRate ¶
Gets this sequence’s tick resolution
- Returns:
The tick resolution of the sequence, defining the smallest unit of time representable on this sequence
- Return type:
- get_timecode_source() Timecode ¶
Get Timecode Source deprecated: GetTimecodeSource() is no longer supported for movie scene sequences. Please use GetEarliestTimecodeSource() instead.
- Return type:
- get_tracks() Array[MovieSceneTrack] ¶
Get all tracks
- Returns:
An array containing all tracks in this sequence
- Return type:
- get_view_range_end() float ¶
Get the sequence view range end in seconds
- Returns:
The view range end time in seconds for this sequence
- Return type:
- get_view_range_start() float ¶
Get the sequence view range start in seconds
- Returns:
The view range start time in seconds for this sequence
- Return type:
- get_work_range_end() float ¶
Get the sequence work range end in seconds
- Returns:
The work range end time in seconds for this sequence
- Return type:
- get_work_range_start() float ¶
Get the sequence work range start in seconds
- Returns:
The work range start time in seconds for this sequence
- Return type:
- is_read_only() bool ¶
Is read only
- Returns:
Whether the movie scene is read only or not
- Return type:
- locate_bound_objects(binding, context) Array[Object] ¶
Locate all the objects that correspond to the specified object ID, using the specified context
- Parameters:
binding (MovieSceneBindingProxy) – The object binding
context (Object) – Optional context to use to find the required object
- Returns:
An array of all bound objects
- Return type:
- make_binding_id(binding, space=MovieSceneObjectBindingSpace.ROOT) MovieSceneObjectBindingID ¶
Make Binding ID deprecated: Please migrate to GetBindingID or GetPortableBindingID depending on use-case.
- Parameters:
binding (MovieSceneBindingProxy) –
space (MovieSceneObjectBindingSpace) –
- Return type:
- make_range(start_frame, duration) SequencerScriptingRange ¶
Make a new range for this sequence in its display rate
- Parameters:
start_frame (int32) – The frame at which to start the range
duration (int32) – The length of the range
- Returns:
Specified sequencer range
- Return type:
- make_range_seconds(start_time, duration) SequencerScriptingRange ¶
Make a new range for this sequence in seconds
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Specified sequencer range
- Return type:
- remove_master_track(track) bool ¶
Remove Master Track deprecated: RemoveMasterTrack is deprecated. Please use RemoveTrack instead
- Parameters:
track (MovieSceneTrack) –
- Return type:
- remove_root_folder_from_sequence(folder) None ¶
Remove a root folder from the given sequence. Will throw an exception if the specified folder is not valid or not a root folder.
- Parameters:
folder (MovieSceneFolder) – The folder to remove
- remove_track(track) bool ¶
Removes a track
- Parameters:
track (MovieSceneTrack) – The track to remove
- Returns:
Whether the track was successfully removed
- Return type:
- resolve_binding_id(object_binding_id) MovieSceneBindingProxy ¶
Make a binding for the given binding ID
- Parameters:
object_binding_id (MovieSceneObjectBindingID) –
- Returns:
The new binding proxy
- Return type:
- set_clock_source(clock_source) None ¶
Set the clock source for this sequence
- Parameters:
clock_source (UpdateClockSource) – The clock source to set for this sequence
- set_display_rate(display_rate) None ¶
Sets this sequence’s display rate
- Parameters:
display_rate (FrameRate) – The display rate that this sequence is displayed as
- set_evaluation_type(evaluation_type) None ¶
Set the evaluation type for this sequence
- Parameters:
evaluation_type (MovieSceneEvaluationType) – The evaluation type to set for this sequence
- set_marked_frame(mark_index, frame_number) None ¶
Sets the frame number for the given marked frame index. Does not maintain sort. Call SortMarkedFrames
InMarkIndex: The given user marked frame index to edit * InFrameNumber: The frame number to set
- Parameters:
mark_index (int32) –
frame_number (FrameNumber) –
- set_playback_end(end_frame) None ¶
Set playback end of this sequence
- Parameters:
end_frame (int32) – The desired end frame for this sequence
- set_playback_end_seconds(end_time) None ¶
Set playback end of this sequence in seconds
- Parameters:
end_time (float) – The desired end time in seconds for this sequence
- set_playback_start(start_frame) None ¶
Set playback start of this sequence
- Parameters:
start_frame (int32) – The desired start frame for this sequence
- set_playback_start_seconds(start_time) None ¶
Set playback start of this sequence in seconds
- Parameters:
start_time (float) – The desired start time in seconds for this sequence
- set_read_only(read_only) None ¶
Set read only
bInReadOnly: Whether the movie scene should be read only or not
- Parameters:
read_only (bool) –
- set_tick_resolution(tick_resolution) None ¶
Sets this sequence’s tick resolution and migrates frame times
- Parameters:
tick_resolution (FrameRate) – The tick resolution of the sequence, defining the smallest unit of time representable on this sequence
- set_tick_resolution_directly(tick_resolution) None ¶
Sets this sequence’s tick resolution directly without migrating frame times
- Parameters:
tick_resolution (FrameRate) – The tick resolution of the sequence, defining the smallest unit of time representable on this sequence
- set_view_range_end(end_time_in_seconds) None ¶
Set the sequence view range end in seconds
- Parameters:
end_time_in_seconds (float) –
- set_view_range_start(start_time_in_seconds) None ¶
Set the sequence view range start in seconds
- Parameters:
start_time_in_seconds (float) – The desired view range start time in seconds for this sequence
- set_work_range_end(end_time_in_seconds) None ¶
Set the sequence work range end in seconds
- Parameters:
end_time_in_seconds (float) –