bool |
bEnable2DPhysics |
Can 2D physics be used (Box2D)? |
bool |
bEnableEnhancedDeterminism |
If set to true, the scene will use enhanced determinism at the cost of a bit more resources. |
bool |
bEnablePCM |
Enables persistent contact manifolds. |
bool |
bEnableShapeSharing |
Enables shape sharing between sync and async scene for static rigid actors |
bool |
bEnableStabilization |
Enables stabilization of contacts for slow moving bodies. |
float |
BounceThresholdVelocity |
Minimum relative velocity required for an object to bounce. |
bool |
bSimulateSkeletalMeshOnDedicatedServer |
If true, simulate physics for this component on a dedicated server. |
bool |
bWarnMissingLocks |
Whether to warn when physics locks are used incorrectly. |
float |
ContactOffsetMultiplier |
Contact offset multiplier. |
float |
DefaultFluidFriction |
Default fluid friction for Physics Volumes. |
float |
DefaultGravityZ |
Default gravity. |
TEnumAsByte< ECollisionTraceFlag > |
DefaultShapeComplexity |
Determines the default physics shape complexity. |
float |
DefaultTerminalVelocity |
Default terminal velocity for Physics Volumes. |
TEnumAsByte< EFrictionCombineMode::Type > |
FrictionCombineMode |
Friction combine mode, controls how friction is computed for multiple materials. |
float |
MaxAngularVelocity |
Max angular velocity that a simulated object can achieve. |
float |
MaxContactOffset |
Max Contact offset. |
float |
MaxDepenetrationVelocity |
Max velocity which may be used to depenetrate simulated physics objects. 0 means no maximum. |
float |
MinContactOffset |
Min Contact offset. |
int32 |
RagdollAggregateThreshold |
Threshold for ragdoll bodies above which they will be added to an aggregate before being added to the scene |
TEnumAsByte< EFrictionCombineMode::Type > |
RestitutionCombineMode |
Restitution combine mode, controls how restitution is computed for multiple materials. |
int32 |
SimulateScratchMemorySize |
Amount of memory to reserve for PhysX simulate(), this is per pxscene and will be rounded up to the next 16K boundary |
FChaosSolverConfiguration |
SolverOptions |
Options to apply to Chaos solvers on creation |
float |
TriangleMeshTriangleMinAreaThreshold |
Triangles from triangle meshes (BSP) with an area less than or equal to this value will be removed from physics collision data. |