FABTest |
FActiveExternalProfilerBase |
FAllocOpBase |
Representation of an alloc or free operation. |
FAutoScopedDurationTimer |
Same as FScopedDurationTimer, except that it tracks the time value internally so you don't have to pass in a double to accumulate. |
FBootProfiling |
FCookStats |
Shared code to provide some common cook telemetry functionality. |
FCookStatsManager |
Centralizes the system to gather stats from a cook that need to be collected at the core/engine level. |
FDerivedDataUsageStats |
Stats for a resource class that uses the DDC to load the resource. |
FDurationTimer |
Utility stopwatch class for tracking the duration of some action (tracks time in seconds and adds it to the specified variable on destruction). |
FExternalProfiler |
FExternalProfiler |
FExternalProfilerExcluder |
FExternalProfilerExcluder |
FExternalProfilerIncluder |
FExternalProfilerIncluder |
FExternalProfilerTrace |
FFormatArgsTrace |
FHistogram |
Fairly generic histogram for values that have natural lower bound and possibly no upper bound, e.g., frame time |
FHistogramBuilder |
Used to construct a histogram that runs over a custom set of ranges, while still enforcing contiguity on the bin ranges |
FInstanceCountingObject |
A helper object for counting instances of struct or classes for debugging purposes, e.g. to get an absolute count of the number of "Foo"'s in existence |
FLoadTimeTracker |
High level load time tracker utility (such as initial engine startup or game specific timings) |
FPlatformFileTrace |
FResourceSizeEx |
Struct used to count up the amount of memory used by a resource. |
FScopedABTimer |
FScopedCookStat |
FScopedDebugInfo |
Debug info that is stored on the stack and handled by stack unwinding. |
FScopedDurationTimeCustomLogger |
Utility class for logging the duration of a scoped action (the user doesn't have to call Start() and Stop() manually) using a custom output function. |
FScopedDurationTimeLogger |
Utility class for logging the duration of a scoped action (the user doesn't have to call Start() and Stop() manually). |
FScopedDurationTimer |
Utility class for tracking the duration of a scoped action (the user doesn't have to call Start() and Stop() manually). |
FScopedExternalProfilerBase |
Base class for FScoped*Timer and FScoped*Excluder |
FScopedLoadTimeAccumulatorTimer |
Scoped helper class for tracking accumulated object times |
FScopedSwitchedCountedDurationTimer |
Utility stopwatch class for tracking the duration of some action (tracks time in seconds and adds it to the specified variable on destruction). |
FScopedSwitchedDurationTimer |
Utility stopwatch class for tracking the duration of some action (tracks time in seconds and adds it to the specified variable on destruction). |
FStringsFNameDummy |
FStringsStaticStringDummy |
FStringTrace |
Utility class to trace deduplicated strings, FNames and static strings. |
FTraceAuxiliary |
FTraceMalloc |
FTraceUtils |
TAllocPlaybackLog |
Define a modifier class like below and supply it to TAllocPlaybackLog to complete the template. |
TAllocRecordingLog |
Define a modifier class like below and supply it to TAllocRecordingLog to complete the template. |
TDecay |
Returns the decayed type of T, meaning it removes all references, qualifiers and applies array-to-pointer and function-to-pointer conversions. |
TScopedDurationThreadSafeTimer |
Utility class for tracking the duration of a scoped action to an accumulator in a thread-safe fashion. |