A map
is a container type that holds key-value pairs, which are mappings from one value to another value. Elements in a map are ordered based on the order of key-value pairs when you create the map, and you access elements in the map using the unique keys you define.
For example, if you want to keep a count of how many times you encounter a word, you can create a map using the word as the key and its count as the value.
WordCount : [string]int = map{"apple" => 11, "pear" => 7}
Click image to enlarge.
If you use the same key multiple times when initializing a map, the map will only keep the last value provided for that key. In the following example, WordCount
will only have the "apple" => 2
key-value pair. The "apple" => 0
and "apple" => 1
pairs are discarded.
WordCount : [string]int = map{"apple" => 0, "apple" => 1, "apple" => 2}
Supported Key Types
Key-value pairs can be of any type as long as the key type is comparable, because there needs to be a way to check if a key already exists for a map.
The following types can be used as keys:
- logic
- int
- float
- char
- string
- enum
- A class, if it’s comparable
- An option, if the element type is comparable
- An array, if the element type is comparable
- A map if both the key and the value types are comparable
- A tuple if all elements in the tuple are comparable
Map Length
You can get the number of key-value pairs in a map by accessing the field Length
on the map. For example, map{"a" => "apple", "b" => "bear", "c" => "candy"}.Length
returns 3.
Accessing Elements in a Map
You can access an element in a map by using a key, for example WordCount["apple"]
Accessing an element in a map is a failable expression and can only be used in a failure context, such as an if
expression. For example:
ExampleMap : [string]string = map{"a" => "apple", "b" => "bear", "c" => "candy"}
for (Key->Value : ExampleMap):
Print("{Value} in ExampleMap at key {Key}")
Key | "a" | "b" | "c" |
Value | "apple" | "bear" | "candy" |
Adding and Modifying Elements in a Map
You can add elements to a map variable by setting the key in a map to a specific value. For example set ExampleMap["d"] = 4
. Existing key-value pairs can be updated by similarly assigning a value to a key that already exists in the map.
Adding an element to a map is a failable expression and can only be used in a failure context, such as an if
expression. For example:
var ExampleMap : [string]int = map{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}
# Modifying an existing element
if (set ExampleMap["b"] = 3, ValueOfB := ExampleMap["b"]):
Print("Updated key b in ExampleMap to {ValueOfB}")
# Adding a new element
if (set ExampleMap["d"] = 4, ValueOfD := ExampleMap["d"]):
Print("Added a new key-value pair to ExampleMap with value {ValueOfD}")
Removing Elements from a Map
Elements can be removed from a map variable by creating a new map that excludes the key you want to remove. An example of a function that provides removal from [string]int
maps is provided below.
# Removes an element from the given map and returns a new map without that element
RemoveKeyFromMap(ExampleMap:[string]int, ElementToRemove:string):[string]int=
var NewMap:[string]int = map{}
# Concatenate Keys from ExampleMap into NewMap, excluding ElementToRemove
for (Key -> Value : ExampleMap, Key <> ElementToRemove):
set NewMap = ConcatenateMaps(NewMap, map{Key => Value})
return NewMap
Weak Map
The type weak_map
is a supertype of the map
type. You would use a weak_map
in a similar way to how you’d use the map
type in most cases, but with the following exceptions:
- You cannot query how many elements a
contains becauseweak_map
does not have aLength
member. - You cannot iterate through the elements of a
. - You cannot use
on aweak_map
Another difference is that the type definition for a weak_map
requires you to define the key-value pair types using the weak_map
function, such as MyWeakMap:weak_map(string, int) = map{}
, which defines a weak map named MyWeakMap
that will have a string key paired with an integer value. Since weak_map
is a supertype of map
, you can initialize it with a standard map{}
The following shows an example of creating a weak_map
variable, and accessing an element in the weak map:
var MyWeakMap:weak_map(int, int) = map{} # Supertype of the standard map, so it can be assigned from the standard map
set MyWeakMap[0] = 1 # Same means of mutation of a particular element as the standard map
if (Value := MyWeakMap[0]):
Print("Value of map at key 0 is {Value}")
set MyWeakMap = map{0 => 2} # Same means of mutation of the entire map as the standard map
Persistable Type
A map is peristable if both the key and value types are persistable. When a map is persistable, it means that you can use them in your module-scoped weak_map
variables and have their values persist across game sessions. For more details on persistence in Verse, check out Using Persistable Data in Verse.