To create a phasing group, you add phases to tracks inside the timeline and modify the visibility status of the elements in the scene for each phase.
The instructions below show a sequence of steps to create a phasing group, but these can vary in sequence depending on how you prefer to work in Twinmotion. They are meant to give you an example only of a possible workflow to create the first two phases in a phasing group.
Creating a Phasing Group
Click the Media icon to open the Media dock.
In the Media dock, click Phasing.
Click Create Phasing.
When you start creating a phasing group, the first phase is automatically created inside a new track.
By default, the starting date is the current date. For information on how to change the starting date, refer to Setting the Start Date below.
To ensure that any changes that you make in the Scene graph in the next step are applied to the phase, make sure the phase is selected.
Open the Scene graph by clicking the Arrow icon in the upper-left side of the Viewport.
In the Scene graph, modify the visibility status of elements by clicking the Eye icon to the left of the elements. The changes that you make in the Scene graph are reflected in the Viewport, and are automatically applied and saved to the selected phase.
Eye icon in the Scene graph
To show or hide several elements in the Scene graph at once, do one of the following:
Click and hold the left mouse button on one of the Eye icons, and then move up or down the Scene graph to show or hide the elements.
Press Ctrl or Shift and select multiple items, and then click one of the Eye icons.
In the example below, the first phase is selected and all the elements in the scene are hidden in the Viewport, except for the terrain. This is the scene as it will be viewed in the first phase.
To create a second phase, make sure the first phase is selected and click Create Phase.
A second phase is added to the track.
Select the second phase, and in the Scene graph modify the visibility status of elements by clicking the Eye icon to the left of the elements.
In the example below, the second phase in the timeline is selected and the terrain and vegetation are visible in the Viewport. This is the scene as it will be viewed in the second phase.
You can apply the visibility status in the Scene graph to more than one phase at a time by selecting multiple phases. To select multiple phases, press Ctrl and select the phases.
To continue creating phases, repeat steps 6 and 7.
You can preview a phasing group while in the Phasing tool, or in Fullscreen mode.
To preview a phasing group in the Phasing tool, select the Date widget and move it along the timeline.
To preview a phasing group in Fullscreen mode, press F12 and then move the phasing slider.
Creating New Tracks
If your phasing group contains one track only, all the phases will play in chronological order. As the phases in a project sometimes overlap, you might need to play certain phases simultaneously. To do this, you can create new tracks that contain new phases.
Open the Track menu by clicking the ellipsis (...) to the left of the track’s name.
In the Track menu, select New Track.
A new track is created under the current track.
To create a new phase in a track, select the track and click Create phase.
A new phase is added to the track.
Working with the Timeline
When you create a new phasing group, by default the timeline is set as follows:
The start date is the current date.
The segments on the timeline are displayed using a preset value of 6 years.
The timeline displays date marks.
You can change all of these default settings and also select an end date for your project on the timeline.
To navigate the timeline, right-click and hold on an empty area of the timeline, and drag to move forward and backward.
To zoom in and out of the timeline, do either of the following:
Click the Zoom in or Zoom out icons.
Click the timeline value to open a menu and select a new preset value.
Setting the Start Date
To the left of the Date widget, click More.
Open the calendar by clicking Start date.
In the calendar, select the start date.
Click OK to close the calendar.
Setting the End Date
Click the Date widget, then click and drag it along the timeline until the end date that you want is displayed on the Date widget.
Grab one of the edges of a phase.
Click and drag the phase along the timeline until you reach the end date.
Showing or Hiding Date Marks
To the left of the Date widget, click More.
Click Date marks to show or hide the date marks on the timeline.