The Speedway Race with Verse Persistence template is the Creative template Designing a Speedway Race converted to UEFN, with the following functionality added to the project:
- A persistent local leaderboard in the pre-game lobby using Verse Persistence that only shows on the first round.
- A system that assigns players to cars at the start line depending on their finish order in a previous round, using Verse Persistence.
- A starting lineup that displays each player’s stats using a cinematic and Verse.
- And more!

The goal for the Creative template Designing a Speedway Race was to use race track assets to build a unique race mode with some quality-of-life features. With this UEFN template, a holistic approach was taken to replace and upgrade many features throughout the map, to take advantage of UEFN’s powerful capabilities.
The following sections explore these updates in more detail.
Upgrading the Tutorial Zone
You can find the leaderboard in the Tutorial Zone. Each time you load in for your first round on the map, you get 30 seconds to look at the current leaderboard and explore the tutorial area.
This area is built to be visually compelling for players seeking some racing fun, while also providing rich details on how to build a map just like it. The tutorial zone was redesigned from the creative template to feel more clean and open, and skylights were added to bring in some of that natural Lumen light.
When you load the template in UEFN, you can read about the setup of each group of devices and Verse scripts to learn how the template was built and implement them in your own experiences.
The Tutorial Zone is where most of our devices are located so you can browse them and understand their logic. These include core retention devices, Accolades, and Analytics. Accolades devices only grant XP when you finish a lap or finish a race.
You can set up Analytics devices to track various data points to help you improve your project in future updates. This template tracks how often each checkpoint is completed and how often people pick up silver coins during the race. Both give data on how easy or difficult a particular checkpoint or coin can be to reach. Based on this data, you can adjust the position or number of these objects in future releases to make the whole game flow more seamlessly and provide a better racing experience.
Cleaning up the Outliner
After converting the project to UEFN, the Outliner was crowded with a long list of unorganized assets.
Although everything still worked, the names of vehicles, barriers, and other items had numbers appended to them, making it difficult to understand the project structure. The conversion process automatically added these numbers to ensure each asset and device had a unique name.
To manage this, a file system was added to the project to organize all the objects based on their location and functionality. Although it takes time to organize, this system means you can move or delete groups of objects or entire areas much more efficiently than in Creative.

Persistent Local Leaderboard
Because of the lack of persistable data in the original creative map, previous race winners and player stats couldn’t be tracked. In the updated UEFN template map, using Verse and Verse Persistence means we can store player data across game sessions, to monitor lifetime player stats and create local leaderboards. You can only access player data for players that are in the current session, so the leaderboard will only reflect the stats of players currently playing.
We decided on "podiums" and "lap time" as being the most important persistable stats to track per player. Players only earn a podium when they place in the top 3 finishing players, while the best lap time tracks the fastest racers. We also added an extra stat named “points”. Players are awarded points based on their placement during the race, so players who race a lot but don’t necessarily place well can still earn a large number of points. With these stats, we found a way to acknowledge the fiercest, the fastest, and most dedicated racers all in one.
The converted template uses a pre-game lobby with local leaderboards that show off each player’s lifetime stats. These stats are sorted so that the players with the best lifetime points stat show up at the front, and the top three players are highlighted to show off their skill. These stats are also shown on the HUD during the starting lineup cinematic, letting players scope out the competition and remember who to look out for during the race.

To learn more about how to create a persistent local leaderboard, check out Make Your Own In-Game Leaderboard.
Racer Order at the Start Line
The converted template replaces the random order of racers at the starting line from the original project, to an order that’s based on how well the racers did in the previous round. This encourages players to finish the race quickly even when they aren’t in first place.
For the first round, racers are placed in a random order, but after the first round racers are ordered by the position they finished in the previous round. This information needs to be stored between rounds but does not persist after the game ends. You can use it to determine the start order by sorting the players based on their previous finish order. To learn how to store round information and sort data, check out the following tutorials:

# Orders and returns players by their finish order in the previous round.
# During the first round, players are given random starting placements.
var OrderedPlayers:[]player = Players
# Randomize player order because it's first round.
set OrderedPlayers = Shuffle(OrderedPlayers)
# Order players based on how well they did in previous round.
set OrderedPlayers = GetPlayersByFinishOrderInLastRound(Players)
# Order by last round's finish order, smallest to largest
SortingAlgorithms.MergeSort(Players, HasFinishedBeforeInLastRound)
# Returns true if PlayerOne has finished the previous round before PlayerTwo.
HasFinishedBeforeInLastRound<public>(PlayerOne:player, PlayerTwo:player)<decides><transacts>:player=
PlayerOneFinishOrder := CircuitInfo[player[PlayerOne]].LastRoundFinishOrder
PlayerTwoFinishOrder := CircuitInfo[player[PlayerTwo]].LastRoundFinishOrder
PlayerOneFinishOrder < PlayerTwoFinishOrder
When assigning players to vehicles and setting them up at the start line, you want to make sure that the players are actually the ones that are active and going to race. You can create a function named GetAllValidPlayers()
that goes through all the players and returns the ones that are still active (haven’t left the game yet) and aren’t spectators (will actually be racing).
# Get all players that are able to race.
# Valid players are ones that are active and not spectating.
Player : Players
not Player.IsSpectator[]
With all this, the project uses the starting_game_sequence
device to set up the leaderboard lobby on the first round, and then assign players to start positions and vehicles before starting the race.
# This file handles the logic for the pregame lobby and the cinematics that play at the beginning of a race.
# It controls the length of the starting lineup based on the number of players, and plays an intro for each
# player by displaying their stats.
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { PlayerLeaderboard }
# A starting position on the race track.
start_position<public> := class<concrete>:
# The car players drive during the race.
Car:vehicle_spawner_pickup_truck_device = vehicle_spawner_pickup_truck_device{}
# Prevents players from driving out of their starting positions.
Barrier:barrier_device = barrier_device{}
# A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
starting_game_sequence := class(creative_device):
# The amount of time to wait in the pregame lobby.
PreGameTime:float = 15.0
# The total number of rounds in the race.
TotalRounds:type {Rounds:int where 1 <= Rounds} = 3
# Counts down to the start of the race during the pregame lobby.
PreGameTimer:timer_device = timer_device{}
# Visual representations of each player in the pregame lobby.
LobbyPlayerReferences:[]player_reference_device = array{}
# Display each player's stats in the pregame lobby.
LobbyLeaderboards:[]billboard_device = array{}
# The position each player starts in, which includes their car,
# a player reference to visualize them, and a barrier to restrict
# them during the starting lineup.
StartingPositions:[]start_position = array{}
# Tracks player analytics during the round.
RoundAnalytics:[]analytics_device = array{}
# Handles the logic for the race gamemode.
RaceManager:race_manager_device = race_manager_device{}
# Runs when the device is started in a running game.
var Players:[]player = GetAllValidPlayers(GetPlayspace().GetPlayers())
RecordCurrentRound(Players, TotalRounds)
# If this is the first round, start the pregame timer
# to give the players time to explore the lobby. Otherwise skip to the race.
# Set up the pre-game lobby for players to view the leaderboard.
# Determine what order players should start the race in and assign them to vehicles.
set Players = GetPlayerStartOrder(GetAllValidPlayers(GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()))
RecordPlayerStartOrder(Players, StartingPositions)
# Sleep for a second to allow the car to finish spawning before assigning a player to it.
Vehicles:[]vehicle_spawner_device =
for (StartingPosition : StartingPositions):
PlayerVehicle.AssignPlayersToVehicles(Players, Vehicles)
# Return control to players to start the race.
for (StartingPosition : StartingPositions):
# Record which players are in the round at the start for tracking retention across rounds.
# Begin the race!
# Enable each starting position that has a valid player with the appropriate devices.
Index -> Player : Players
StartingPosition := StartingPositions[Index]
Vehicle := StartingPosition.Car
Barrier := StartingPosition.Barrier
# Update player references and billboards in the lobby.
UpdateStatsBillboards(Players, LobbyLeaderboards)
UpdatePlayerReferences(Players, LobbyPlayerReferences)
# Submit round analytics for each player.
for (Player : Players, AnalyticsDevice := RoundAnalytics[GetRound[]]):
Starting Line Cinematic with Player Stats
The original version of the Creative Designing a Speedway Race template used the Pulse Trigger device to orchestrate the ready-set-go introduction to the race. The Pulse Trigger played a sequence of events over a set period of time by activating triggers to display text and enable lights on the starting line.

With the converted template, the Pulse Trigger device was replaced with UEFN’s Cinematic Sequence device to achieve a grand opening cinematic. Using Sequencer, you can add different cameras, Heads Up Display (HUD) elements, and a dynamic lineup view that adjusts based on the amount of active players. Similar to how the Pulse Trigger device was previously set up, the Level Sequence activates the devices at important moments, allowing you to determine when to display the next player’s score or when to cut the intro.

Specifically, the Level Sequence activates the Trigger device named StartPlayerIntroEvent whenever a player intro starts, and activates the Trigger device named EndPlayerIntroEvent whenever a player intro ends. The Verse code uses this information to determine how many player intros have been shown already and stops playing the cinematic if it's the same as the number of players in the game. If the cinematic finishes first, it will also cancel waiting for player intros because it’s in the race
The Verse code calls WaitForPlayerIntro()
for each player, which starts a loop for each player and waits for the StartPlayerIntroEvent Trigger device to activate as many times as the starting position order of the player to know when to display the player’s stats in the HUD. Each of these WaitForPlayerIntro()
loops is called in the ArraySync()
function, which uses a divide-and-conquer concurrency algorithm to sync
across multiple async functions and array elements.
# A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
starting_game_sequence := class(creative_device):
# The cinematic that intros the players and their stats.
StartingLineupCinematic:cinematic_sequence_device = cinematic_sequence_device{}
# The cinematic that we cut to after the lineup and before the race starts.
RaceStartCinematic:cinematic_sequence_device = cinematic_sequence_device{}
# Displays a player's stats during the lineup cinematic.
PopupDialog:popup_dialog_device = popup_dialog_device{}
# Signals when a player's intro starts during the lineup cinematic.
StartPlayerIntroEvent:trigger_device = trigger_device{}
# Signals when a player's intro ends during the lineup cinematic.
EndPlayerIntroEvent:trigger_device = trigger_device{}
# Play the cinematic lineup and player intros based on the number of players.
# Race between all player intros and the starting lineup cinematic finishing.
# Then plays the RaceStartCinematic to start the race.
# Make sure the popup dialog is hidden when this function ends.
# Wait for each player intro to finish during the starting lineup.
# The cinematic signals when a player’s intro starts and ends.
# This function will wait the player’s intro to start to update the UI,
# and wait for as many end player intros as there are players in the game.
PlayersAndOrder:[]tuple(agent, int) =
for (Index -> Player : Players):
(Player, Index)
ArraySync(PlayersAndOrder, WaitForPlayerIntro)
# Wait for the player's intro start and display their info.
# Cancel the wait if they leave.
WaitForPlayerIntro(Player:agent, StartOrder:int)<suspends>:void=
var IntroCounter:int = 0
# Waiting for this player to finish the race and then record the finish.
if (IntroCounter = StartOrder):
PlayerLeaderboard.UpdatePopupUI(Player, PopupDialog)
if (IntroCounter = StartOrder):
set IntroCounter += 1
# Waiting for this player to leave the game.
LeavingPlayer := GetPlayspace().PlayerRemovedEvent().Await()
LeavingPlayer = Player
# Play the cinematic and wait for it to stop. Stopped if cinematic ends early.
# Go to end of cinematic and stop the cinematic to keep any changes
# if this coroutine is canceled early.
The project uses a Pop-Up Dialog device to design the widgets in the Widget Editor and swap out the information using Verse. It does this by setting the text on buttons in the Pop-Up Dialog device.
# Updates the Popup UI to display the lifetime stats of the given player during the
# race starting sequence.
UpdatePopupUI<public>(Player:agent, PopupDialogUI:popup_dialog_device):void=
CurrentPlayerStats := GetPlayerStats[Player]
PopupDialogUI.SetButtonText(PlayerText(Player), 0)
PopupDialogUI.SetButtonText(PointsText(CurrentPlayerStats.Points), 1)
PopupDialogUI.SetButtonText(PodiumsText(CurrentPlayerStats.Podiums), 2)
BestLapText:message = if(IsValidBestLapTime[CurrentPlayerStats.BestLapTime]):
PopupDialogUI.SetButtonText(BestLapText, 3)
Level Design
In this update, we used Landscape mode to create an off-road track. We saved memory by making use of fewer assets, and the mountains that now surround the track have more depth. We also used water volumes and the waterfall to create a new type of terrain and draw your eye forward to the next part of the race track.
We upgraded from the legacy day/night cycle of our original project to the advanced Fortnite Chapter 4 lighting. This new cycle enabled us to use Lumen, creating softer shadows and realistic global illumination.

Did you know there are over 120 barriers in the original race track template? Barriers were used to keep players on the track and to ensure cars never went out of bounds. In the update, you’ll see that barriers are only used to keep players in their spot before a race starts and not all around the track. Race checkpoints, collectibles, and some environment pieces were used to encourage players to stay on track:
- Coins for boost: By adding a speed boost pad under the last coin in each streak, players are encouraged to stick to the track for the most efficient race time. The coins respawn every lap, providing an opportunity to pick up again if players miss them the first time.
- Visual design to keep players on the track: Short, white barriers were used in many places throughout the track to emphasize the intended track flow. The road was designed to be wide enough for a few cars side by side. The additional decoration and props like trees, RVs, and other designs were placed such that a player's vehicle should be able to navigate comfortably without being stuck, but that they would be discouraged from taking unintended paths.
- Shortcuts and jumps: The original map was a simple figure 8, but in playtesting we found that players loved using jumps to take shortcuts. In the new design, a few shortcuts and jumps were added to allow players to choose the way they want to complete the map.
In the end, the intentionally placed race checkpoints are the final way to require players to follow the track, as each one is necessary to progress through the race.