The Walkable Slope Override on Physics Bodies enable you to tweak what surfaces Characters can walk up. Perhaps a stair case is too steep or maybe you want to enforce the "no walking on the grass" signs, these settings will enable you to do so.
The Character Movement Component has a property called Walkable Floor Angle. It defaults to around 45 degrees. So, when the Character attempts to move across a surface that is angled higher than this, the Character will not be able to climb the incline or will lose their footing and slide down it.
Depending on the editor you are in, or if you are looking at an Actor in the level, you will find a property, or expandable grouping of properties, prefixed with Override Walkable Slope. Here you can set the Walkable Slope Behavior and Walkable Slope Angle.

Increase Walkable Slope
This setting will increase the walkable slope of a Physics Body up to the value listed in the Walkable Slope Angle property. If Walkable Slope Angle is set to 75, and the angle of the surface of the Physics Body is 65, the Character will be able to walk up it, regardless of the Character's Walkable Floor Angle.
While Walkable Slope Behavior is set to "Increase Walkable Slope":
- A value of 0.0 in the Walkable Slope Angle is essentially the same as No Change in the Walkable Slope Behavior property.
- A value of 90.0 in the Walkable Slope Angle will allow the character to traverse any angle on the Physics Body up to (but not including) 90 degrees.
Decrease Walkable Slope
This setting will "cap" the walkable slope of a Physics Body to the value listed in the Walkable Slope Angle property. If Walkable Slope Angle is set to 25, and the angle of the surface of the Physics Body is 35 degrees, the Character will be unable to walk up it regardless of the Character's Walkable Floor Angle.
While Walkable Slope Behavior is set to "Decrease Walkable Slope":
- A value of 0.0 in the Walkable Slope Angle will result in the Character being unable to walk across the Physics Body surface. This can result in some odd behavior for mostly flat surfaces, as the character will skate across them but will not be able to change direction.
- A value of 90.0 in the Walkable Slope Angle is essentially the same as No Change in the Walkable Slope Behavior property.
The blue angle is the default Character Movement Component Walkable Floor Angle, while the green represents the new Increased Walkable Slope angle. | The blue angle is the default Character Movement Component Walkable Floor Angle, while the red represents the new Decreased Walkable Slope angle. |