Trace Channels
Trace is capable of emitting large amounts of data. Channels prove you with control of the data rate when tracing. Each event type is tied to one or more channels, if the required channels are not enabled then the event will not be emitted to the trace stream.
Channel presets groups many channels and provides scenario-based entry points. Users can define their own presets using config files added to the [Trace.ChannelPresets] category.
Available trace channels are included in the table below. You can observe a list of channels that include details on each Channel's File Path, Supported Platforms and Notes:
Channel | Notes | Supported Platforms | File Path |
Log | Logs Messages. | Runtime\Core\Private\Logging\LogTrace.cpp |
BookMark | Low frequency markers signifying important transitions, providing a quick overview for users. Such as level loading or engine boot phases. | Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\MiscTrace.cpp |
Frame | Game and Rendering frames. | Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\MiscTrace.cpp |
Stats | Stats counters. Based on the Stats system. | Runtime\Core\Private\Stats\StatsTrace.cpp |
Counter | Generic counters. Allows tracing of values (float, integer) over time. Counters Trace API. It also enables the CSV Profiler Trace. | Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\CountersTrace.cpp |
CPU | Named cpu timers. Additional timers can be added using |
Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\CpuProfilerTrace.cpp |
ContextSwitch | Trace context switch events. On Windows, game/editor runtime should be "run as administrator". |
Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\PlatformEvents.cpp |
Task | Task Graph trace channel. | Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskTrace.cpp |
GPU | Named gpu timers. Based on GpuProfiler data. | Runtime\RHI\Private\GpuProfilerTrace.cpp |
RHICommands | Cpu/Gpu named timers for RHI commands. | Runtime\RHI\Private\RHICommandList.cpp |
RenderCommands | Cpu/Gpu named timers for commands executed on the rendering thread. | Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp |
File | File I/O trace channel (Open, ReOpen, Read, Write, Close events). |
Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\PlatformFileTrace.cpp |
LoadTime | Asset Loading Insights trace channel. Package load times (specific trace events) + named cpu timers specific to package loading. Requires "cpu" channel. Also adds the "LoadPackageInternal" cpu timing events (with metadata). See usage of SCOPED_LOADTIMER and SCOPED_CUSTOM_LOADTIMER macros. | Runtime\Core\Public\ProfilingDebugging\LoadTimeTracker.h Runtime\Core\Private\Serialization\LoadTimeTrace.cpp |
SaveTime | Named CPU timers specific to package saving. This requires the CPU channel. Adds cpu timers named with UPackage_Save_ prefix. See the usage of the SCOPED_SAVETIMER macro for additional details. |
Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\SavePackage\SavePackageUtilities.h / .cpp |
Cook | Displays named CPU timers specific to cooking. This requires the CPU channel. It will add the "CookByTheBook" and "SaveCookedPackage" cpu timing events (with metadata). | Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Cooker\CookProfiling.h/.cpp |
Net | Networking trace channel. Requires -NetTrace=1 (it enables the "Frame" channel) | Runtime\Net\Core\Private\Net\Core\Trace\Reporters\NetTraceReporter.cpp |
Module | Module loading information |
Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\ModuleDiagnostics.cpp |
Callstack | Callstack descriptions. Allows allocations to be associated with callstacks. Requires Module channel to be enabled for symbol resolution to be possible. |
Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\CallstackTrace.cpp |
MemAlloc | Memory allocations. Uses Module and Callstack. |
Runtime\Core\Private\ProfilingDebugging\MemoryAllocationTrace.cpp |
MemTag | Memory tag statistics. Traces snapshots of memory usage per tag at regular rate. Relies on LLM subsystem for tracing. Implies "-llm". Available after Init(). | Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\LowLevelMemTracker.cpp |
VisualLogger | Visual Logger starts recording to file. | Runtime\Engine\Private\VisualLogger\VisualLoggerTraceDevice.cpp |
Physics | Chaos Visual Debugger. | Runtime\Experimental\Chaos\Private\ChaosVisualDebugger\ChaosVisualDebuggerTrace.cpp |
Animation | Animation Insights(GameplayInsights/RewindDebugger) plugin. | Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimTrace.cpp |
Object | GameplayInsights/RewindDebugger plugin. UObject classes, worlds, instances and events. | Runtime\Engine\Private\ObjectTrace.cpp |
ObjectProperties | GameplayInsights/RewindDebugger plugin. | Plugins\Animation\GameplayInsights\Source\GameplayInsights\Private\ObjectPropertyTrace.cpp |
NetworkPrediction | Network Prediction Insights plugin. | Plugins\Runtime\NetworkPrediction\Source\NetworkPrediction\Private\NetworkPredictionTrace.cpp |
RDG | RDG Insights plugin. | Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderGraphTrace.cpp |
Slate | Slate Insights plugin. | Runtime\SlateCore\Private\Trace\SlateTrace.cpp |
Niagara | Niagara plugin. | Plugins\FX\Niagara\Source\Niagara\Private\NiagaraTrace.cpp |
Messaging | UDP Messaging plugin. | Plugins\Messaging\UdpMessaging\Source\UdpMessaging\Private\UdpMessagingTracing.cpp |
TraceSourceFilters | Trace Source Filtering plugin. | Plugins\Developer\TraceSourceFiltering\Source\SourceFilteringTrace\Private\SourceFilterTrace.cpp |
PoseSearch | PoseSearch plugin. | Plugins\Experimental\Animation\PoseSearch\Source\Runtime\Private\Trace\PoseSearchTraceLogger.cpp |
Concert | Concert plugin. | Plugins\Developer\Concert\ConcertMain\Source\ConcertTransport\Private\ConcertLogGlobal.cpp |
LevelSnapshots | Level Snapshots plugin. | Plugins\VirtualProduction\LevelSnapshots\Source\LevelSnapshots\Private\LevelSnapshotsLog.cpp |
Screenshot | Captures screenshots triggered with Trace.Screenshot console command or using the TRACE_SCREENSHOT() API. |
All platforms. | Runtime\Core\Public\ProfilingDebugging\MiscTrace.h |
Asset Metadata | Asset Names and Class Names as metadata for memory allocations. Requires Metadata channel. Used by the MemAlloc channel. |
Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\ProfilingDebugging\MetadataTrace.h |
Metadata | Suppoprt for generic metadata scopes. | All platforms. | Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\ProfilingDebugging\MetadataTrace.h |
Regions | Long-duration timing events. | All platforms. | Runtime\Core\Public\ProfilingDebugging\MiscTrace.h |
AssetLoadTime | Named CPU timers for UObject::Serialize . Also toggles on Blueprint names. Requires CPU channel and -statnamedevents . |
All platforms. |
Some plugins or runtime code enables or disables channels automatically, they are listed in the table below:
Plugin | Channel Description |
Gameplay Insights / Rewind Debugger | Toggles the Object channel when Play in Editor (PIE) is started, and toggles ObjectProperties, Animation, and Frame when a recording is started. |
TraceSourceFiltering | When the plugin is enabled, the TraceSourceFilters channel is toggled on. |
NetworkPrediction | When the plugin is enabled, the NetworkPrediction channel is toggled on. |
PoseSearch | When the plugin is enabled, the Pose Search channel is toggled on. |
Visual Logger | When recording the Visual Logger channel is toggled on. |
-NetTrace=1 | When enabled from the command line, the Net and Frame channels are toggled on. |
Controlling Runtime
To get the most out of the many features that ship with Unreal Insights, You can customize your project's output with macros and command-line options. Additionally, mouse and keyboard input shortcuts provide users with the capability to navigate Insights windows more efficiently. You can reference the table below to determine which macros you may want to adjust based on the data that you want to see in Unreal Insights:
Macro name | Default State | Source File | Area Description |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/TraceLog/Public/Trace/Config.h |
Master control for the entire system. |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Async/TaskTrace.h |
Controls tracing of Task Graph events. -trace=default,task |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Logging/LogTrace.h |
Controls whether log messages are reported to Unreal Insights. -trace=log |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging/MiscTrace.h |
Controls tracing for bookmarks, frames, threads, and thread groups. -trace=bookmark,frame |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging/CpuProfilerTrace.h |
Controls tracing for CPU timers and timing events. -trace=cpu |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/Serialization/LoadTimeTrace.h |
Controls tracing for events related to load assets. -trace=loadtime |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Stats/StatsTrace.h |
Controls tracing for stats counters. -trace=stats |
On | The default enabled behavior only applies for Windows, Mac, and PS4 platforms.
Controls tracing for file activity, such as opening, closing, reading, and writing files. -trace=file |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/ProfilingDebugging/PlatformEvents.h |
On for platforms with support for platform events (context switch events). -trace=ContextSwitch |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Public/GpuProfilerTrace.h |
Controls GPU timers and timing events. -trace=gpu |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Net/Core/Public/Net/Core/Trace/NetTrace.h Engine/Source/Runtime/Net/Core/Public/Net/Core/Trace/Config.h |
Controls tracing of network packet content. -trace=net |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging/TagTrace.h |
Enables tracing of tag scopes. If disabled traced allocation will not have an associated tag. -trace=memtag |
On | Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging/CallstackTrace.h |
Enables tracing of callstacks. If disabled traced allocations will not contain callstacks. -trace=callstack |
Command-Line Options
When combined with macros, the following command-line options enable trace data:
Command-Line Option | Description |
-trace -trace=<channel1> |
Provides you the capability to manage how much trace data to generate by categorizing events into named groups. For example, Trace data for enabled channels is cached in the "Always on" buffers. |
-tracehost=<ip> |
Sends a trace to the specified IP address. Will default to a local host address. To learn about |
-tracefile, -tracefile =<filename> |
Performs a "WriteTo" file trace control command. This will run the trace default command. |
-tracefiletrunc |
-tracetailmb= N |
N specifies the size of the trace tail buffer in MiB. The default size of the trace tail buffer is 4 MiB. |
-notraceserver |
If specified, the game or editor will not start the local trace server. |
-statnamedevents |
logs trace data for stat named events. Can be enabled by GCycleStatsShouldEmitNamedEvents = 1; or from calling "Stat NamedEvents" as a console command. |
-verbosenamedevents |
logs trace data for verbose named events. Can be enabled by GCycleStatsShouldEmitVerboseNamedEvents = 1; or from calling "Stat VerboseNamedEvents" as a console command. An example of a verbose cycle status: "CPU Stall - [...]", "Other TaskGraph Stalls", "FQueuedThread::Run.WaitForWork". |
Console Commands
Command | Description |
Trace.Send <Host> [ChannelSet] |
Starts tracing to a trace store. |
Trace.SnapshotSend <Host> <Port> |
Send a snapshot of the current in-memory trace buffer to a trace store. |
Trace.File [<File>] [ChannelSet] |
Begins tracing events to a file. If a file path is not specified, then the default path directory for the utrace file is: Use Examples:
Trace.Start[ChannelSet] |
Keeps the default enabled channels. |
Trace.Stop |
Stops tracing profiling events. |
Trace.Enable[ChannelSet] |
Enables a set of channels. |
Trace.Disable[ChannelSet] |
Disables a set of channels. If no channel set is specified, all channels will be disabled. |
Trace.Pause |
Pauses all trace channels currently sending events. |
Trace.Resume |
Resumes tracing that was previously paused (re-enables the pushed channels). |
Trace.Status |
Prints the trace status to the console. |
Controlling Unreal Insights
Command-Line Options
Command-Line Option | Usage | Description |
-OpenTraceId |
-OpenTraceId=id |
Forces Unreal Insights to start analyzing the specified ID in "Viewer mode" |
-OpenTraceFile |
-OpenTraceFile=file.utrace |
Forces Unreal Insights to start analyzing the specified file in "Viewer mode" |
-Store |
-Store=<ip>:port |
Connects Browser with specified trace store
-TraceAutoStart |
-TraceAutoStart=[0|1] |
Start tracing to the local trace server automatically at start if Unreal Insights is running or wait to initiate via console command. Default is on. |
-NoTraceThreading |
-NoTraceThreading |
Disable the trace worker thread. |
Keyboard Input Shortcuts
Timing Insights Window
The following mouse and keyboard commands help you navigate Timing Insights more efficiently:
Frames Panel
Keyboard Input Shortcut | Function |
Left mouse click | Select a frame The timing view centers on the selected frame. |
Right mouse click | Open context menu |
Left/right mouse drag | Horizontal zoom |
Mouse wheel | Horizontal zoom |
Shift + mouse wheel | Vertical zoom |
Timing Panel
Input Shortcut | Function |
Left/right mouse drag | Horizontal or vertical pan |
Ctrl + left/right mouse drag | Horizontal pan |
Shift + left/right mouse drag | Vertical pan |
Mouse wheel | Zoom |
Ctrl + mouse wheel | Horizontal scroll |
Shift + mouse wheel | Vertical scroll |
Right mouse click | Open context menu Options available for Graph track. |
Left mouse click on Timing Event | Select the timing event |
Left mouse click on empty space | Clear selection |
Ctrl + double left mouse click | Select time range of selected timing event Pressing ENTER performs the same function. |
Left/right mouse drag over Time Ruler | Select time region Aggregated states automatically update in Timers and Counters views. |
Ctrl+F | Toggles the Quick Find menu. |
F | Frame the last selection and then alternate between framing the time range or the timing event The last selection can be a time range or a timing event. |
G | Toggle Graph track visibility, showing Game and Rendering frames, including a placeholder for Counter series |
Y | Toggle GPU Timing track visibility |
U | Toggle CPU Timing track visibility |
I | Toggle I/O Overview and Activity track visibility |
O | Toggle visibility of background events for file activities in the I/O Activity track |
L | Toggle Asset Loading track visibility |
C | Switch between normal and compact mode, affecting how timing events are visualized |
V | Auto hide empty timelines Empty timelines are ones without timing events. |
X | Chooses the next event depth limit: Single Lane, 4 Lanes, Unlimited. |
B | Toggle visibility of bookmarks Bookmarks display by default. |
M | Toggle visibility of time markers (all trace logs instead of just bookmarks) Time markers do not display by default. |
**-/+ | Zoom |
Ctrl + left/right/Up/Down arrows | Horizontal and vertical pan |
Left/right/Up/Down arrows | Select timing event that is its previous or next sibling/parent/largest child |
Enter | Select time range of selected timing event Pressing Ctrl + Double Left Mouse Click performs the same function. |
Networking Insights Window
The following mouse and keyboard commands help you navigate Networking Insights more efficiently:
Input Shortcut | Function |
Left mouse click on packet | Selects the respective packet |
Shift + left mouse click on different packet | Selects a range of packets |
Ctrl + A | Select all packets |
Left/right arrows | Selects previous/next package |
Shift + left/right arrows | Extends selection (multiple packages) toward Left/right side |
Ctrl + shift + left/right arrows | Shrink selection (multiple packages) from Left/right side |
Double click an Event | Highlights all packets containing the event in the Packet Content view while masking out all other events |