
class unreal.VCamInputDeviceID

Bases: StructBase

VCam Input Device ID

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: VirtualCameraCore

  • Module: VCamCore

  • File: VCamInputDeviceConfig.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • device_id (int32): [Read-Write] The ID of an input device.

    Input device IDs start at 0 and increase by 1 as more devices connect. When a device disconnects, the ID is recycled and becomes available for reassignment to the next device that connects; when a device connects, the lowest possible ID is reassigned.

    Example: suppose you have three gamepads called A, B, and VCamDevicePairingConfig.h 1. Connect gamepad A > receives ID 0 2. Connect gamepad B > receives ID 1 3. Disconnect gamepad A > gamepad B will still have ID 1 4. Connect the same gamepad A OR another gamepad C > receives ID 0.

    Note: Keyboards always have ID = 0, mice ID = -1. Note: The first gamepad will have ID = 0 even though keyboards will also have ID 0.

    Default value of -10 means no input device. There is nothing special about -10 (-1 already used by mice).