
class unreal.MagicLeapInputTabletDeviceState(type=MagicLeapInputTabletDeviceType.UNKNOWN, tool_type=MagicLeapInputTabletDeviceToolType.UNKNOWN, pen_touch_pos_and_force=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], additional_pen_touch_data=[], is_pen_touch_active=False, is_connected=False, pen_distance=0.0, timestamp=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], valid_fields_flag=0)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Magic Leap Input Tablet Device State

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeapTablet

  • Module: MagicLeapTablet

  • File: MagicLeapTabletTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • additional_pen_touch_data (Array(int32)): [Read-Write] The Additional coordinate values (x, y, z). It could contain data specific to the device type. For example, it could hold tilt values while using pen.

  • is_connected (bool): [Read-Write] If this tablet is connected.

  • is_pen_touch_active (bool): [Read-Write] Is touch active.

  • pen_distance (float): [Read-Write] Distance between pen and tablet.

  • pen_touch_pos_and_force (Vector): [Read-Write] The current touch position (x,y) and force (z). Position is in the [-1.0,1.0] range and force is in the [0.0,1.0] range.

  • timestamp (Timespan): [Read-Write] Time since device bootup.

  • tool_type (MagicLeapInputTabletDeviceToolType): [Read-Write] Type of tool used with the tablet.

  • type (MagicLeapInputTabletDeviceType): [Read-Write] Type of this tablet device.

  • valid_fields_flag (int32): [Read-Write] Flags to denote which of the above fields are valid. #EMagicLeapInputTabletDeviceStateMask defines the bitmap.

property additional_pen_touch_data

[Read-Write] The Additional coordinate values (x, y, z). It could contain data specific to the device type. For example, it could hold tilt values while using pen.



property is_connected

[Read-Write] If this tablet is connected.



property is_pen_touch_active

[Read-Write] Is touch active.



property pen_distance

[Read-Write] Distance between pen and tablet.



property pen_touch_pos_and_force

[Read-Write] The current touch position (x,y) and force (z). Position is in the [-1.0,1.0] range and force is in the [0.0,1.0] range.



property timestamp

[Read-Write] Time since device bootup.



property tool_type

[Read-Write] Type of tool used with the tablet.



property type

[Read-Write] Type of this tablet device.



property valid_fields_flag

[Read-Write] Flags to denote which of the above fields are valid. #EMagicLeapInputTabletDeviceStateMask defines the bitmap.

