
class unreal.MagicLeapCameraOutput(planes=[], format=PixelFormat.PF_UNKNOWN)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Magic Leap Camera Output

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeapCamera

  • Module: MagicLeapCamera

  • File: MagicLeapCameraTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • format (PixelFormat): [Read-Write] Supported output format specified by MLCameraOutputFormat.

  • planes (Array(MagicLeapCameraPlaneInfo)): [Read-Write] Output image plane info. The number of output planes is determined by the format: 1 for compressed output such as JPEG stream, 3 for separate color component output such as YUV/RGB.

property format

[Read-Write] Supported output format specified by MLCameraOutputFormat.



property planes

[Read-Write] Output image plane info. The number of output planes is determined by the format: 1 for compressed output such as JPEG stream, 3 for separate color component output such as YUV/RGB.

