
class unreal.CRSimPointForce

Bases: StructBase

CRSim Point Force

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ControlRig

  • Module: ControlRig

  • File: CRSimPointForce.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • coefficient (float): [Read-Write] Coefficient: The strength of the force (a multiplier for direction based forces)

  • force_type (CRSimPointForceType): [Read-Write] Force Type: The type of force.

  • normalize (bool): [Read-Write] Normalize: If set to true the input vector will be normalized.

  • vector (Vector): [Read-Write] Vector: The point / direction to use for the force. This is a direction for direction based forces, while this is a position for attractor / repel based forces.