Each Actor maintains a list of all properties that include the Replicated
Specifier. The server will send an update to each client whenever a replicated property changes its value, which the client will apply to its local version of the Actor. These updates only come from the server; the client will never send property updates to the server or other clients.
Changing a replicated variable's value on the client is not recommended. The value will continue to differ from the server's value until the next time the server detects a change and sends an update. If the server's copy of the property does not change very often, it could be a long time before the client receives a correction.
Actor property replication is reliable. This means that the property of the client version of the Actor will eventually reflect the value on the server, but the client will not necessarily receive notification of every individual change that happens to a property on the server. For example, if an integer property rapidly changes its value from 100 to 200, and then to 300, the client will eventually receive an update with the value of 300, but there is no guarantee that the client will know about the change to 200.
Setting up properties for replication
To replicate a property, you need to do a few things:
In the header of the actor class where the property is defined, you need to make sure you have the replicated
keyword as one of the parameters to the UPROPERTY declaration:
class ENGINE_API AActor : public UObject
UPROPERTY( replicated )
AActor * Owner;
In the implementation of the actor class, you need to implement the GetLifetimeReplicatedProps function:
void AActor::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps( TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps ) const
In the actor's constructor, make sure you have the bReplicates flag set to true:
AActor::AActor( const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties & PCIP ) : Super( PCIP )
bReplicates = true;
The member variable Owner
will now be synchronized to all connected clients for every copy of this actor type that is currently instantiated (in this case, the base actor class).
Network Update Optimization
Data-Driven Network Update Frequency
Actors will observe a maximum update frequency set in their NetUpdateFrequency
variable. By reducing this variable on less-important or less-frequently-changing Actors, network updates can be made more efficient, potentially leading to smoother play experiences in limited-bandwidth scenarios. Common update frequency values are 10 (updating every 0.1 seconds) for important, unpredictable Actors like player-controlled characters in a shooter, 5 (updating every 0.2 seconds) for slower-moving characters like AI-controlled monsters in cooperative games, or 2 (updating every 0.5 seconds) for background Actors that are not very important to gameplay, but are still synced over the network and/or are controlled by server-side logic and thus need replication.
Adaptive Network Update Frequency
By default, this feature is deactivated. Setting the console variable net.UseAdaptiveNetUpdateFrequency
to 1
will activate it.
With Adaptive Network Update Frequency, we can save CPU cycles that would normally be wasted in redundant attempts to replicate an actor when nothing is really changing. When this feature is enabled, the system will dynamically adapt the update frequencies of individual Actors based on whether or not their updates are meaningful. In this context, a "meaningful" update is any update which initializes the Actor, adds or removes a subobject (i.e. an owned Component), or changes the value of a replicated field on the Actor or any of its subobjects. Each Actor's possible range of update rates is determined by two variables on the Actor itself: NetUpdateFrequency
and MinNetUpdateFrequency
. NetUpdateFrequency
indicates the maximum number of times per second that the Actor will attempt to update itself, while MinNetUpdateFrequency
indicates the minimum number of update attempts per second. Using this feature can result in massive replication performance improvement.
(Advanced) Update Frequency Decrease Algorithm
During update attempts, Actors determine how long it has been since the most recent meaningful update was sent, and record the new time if they send a meaningful update. If an Actor being considered for update has not sent a meaningful update for more than two seconds, it will start decreasing its update frequency, reaching its minimum frequency after seven seconds without a meaningful update. For example, if an Actor with an update delay between 0.1 and 0.6 seconds had no meaningful updates for 3 seconds, it would attempt its next update in 0.2 seconds.
(Advanced) Update Frequency Increase Algorithm
After sending a meaningful update, an Actor will schedule its next update to happen in 30-percent less time than the time between the last two meaningful updates, clamped between the minimum and maximum update frequencies. For example, if an Actor went exactly one second between meaningful updates, it would schedule its next update attempt for 0.7 seconds in the future (or a time near the specified minimum and maximum update frequencies). With each successive meaningful update, this calculation will be repeated, quickly reducing the time between updates if an Actor starts to have frequent data or subobject changes.