When declaring classes, interfaces, structs, enums, enum values, functions, or properties, you can add Metadata Specifiers to control how they interact with various aspects of the engine and editor. Each type of data structure or member has its own list of Metadata Specifiers.
Metadata only exists in the editor; do not write game logic that accesses metadata.
To add Metadata Specifiers, use the word meta
, followed by a list of the specifiers and, if appropriate, their values, to your UCLASS
macro, as follows:
{UCLASS/UENUM/UINTERFACE/USTRUCT/UFUNCTION/UPROPERTY}(SpecifierX, meta=(MetaTag1="Value1", MetaTag2, ..), SpecifierY)
To add Metadata Specifiers to a specific value within an enumerated type, add the UMETA
tag to the value itself before the separating comma (if one exists). It should look like:
enum class EMyEnum : uint8
// DefaultValue Tooltip
DefaultValue = 0 UMETA(MetaTag1="Value1", MetaTag2, ..),
// ValueWithoutMetaSpecifiers Tooltip
// ValueWithMetaSpecifiers Tooltip
ValueWithMetaSpecifiers UMETA((MetaTag1="Value1", MetaTag2, ..),
// FinalValue Tooltip
FinalValue (MetaTag1="Value1", MetaTag2, ..)
Class Metadata Specifiers
Classes can use the following Metatag Specifiers:
| Class Meta Tag | Effect | | --- | --- | |BlueprintSpawnableComponent
| If present, the component Class can be spawned by a Blueprint. |
| BlueprintThreadSafe
| Only valid on Blueprint function libraries. This specifier marks the functions in this class as callable on non-game threads in animation Blueprints. |
| ChildCannotTick
| Used for Actor and Component classes. If the native class cannot tick, Blueprint-generated classes based this Actor or Component can never tick, even if bCanBlueprintsTickByDefault
is true. |
| ChildCanTick
| Used for Actor and Component classes. If the native class cannot tick, Blueprint-generated classes based this Actor or Component can have the bCanEverTick
flag overridden, even if bCanBlueprintsTickByDefault
is false. |
| DeprecatedNode
| For behavior tree nodes, indicates that the class is deprecated and will display a warning when compiled. |
| DeprecationMessage="Message Text"
| Deprecated classes with this metadata will include this text with the standard deprecation warning that Blueprint Scripts generate during compilation. |
| DisplayName="Blueprint Node Name"
| The name of this node in a Blueprint Script will be replaced with the value provided here, instead of the code-generated name. |
| DontUseGenericSpawnObject
| Do not spawn an Object of the class using Generic Create Object node in Blueprint Scripts; this specifier applies only to Blueprint-type classes that are neither Actors nor Actor Components. |
| ExposedAsyncProxy
| Expose a proxy Object of this class in Async Task nodes. |
| IgnoreCategoryKeywordsInSubclasses
| Used to make the first subclass of a class ignore all inherited ShowCategories
and HideCategories
Specifiers. |
| IsBlueprintBase="true/false"
| States that this class is (or is not) an acceptable base class for creating Blueprints, similar to the Blueprintable
or 'NotBlueprintable` Specifiers. |
KismetHideOverrides="Event1, Event2, .." |
List of Blueprint events that are not allowed to be overridden. |
ProhibitedInterfaces="Interface1, Interface2, .." |
Lists Interfaces that are not compatible with the class. |
RestrictedToClasses="Class1, Class2, .." |
Blueprint function library classes can use this to restrict usage to the classes named in the list. |
ShortToolTip="Short tooltip" |
A short tooltip that is used in some contexts where the full tooltip might be overwhelming, such as the Parent Class Picker dialog. |
ShowWorldContextPin |
Indicates that Blueprint nodes placed in graphs owned by this class must show their World context pins, even if they are normally hidden, because Objects of this class cannot be used as World context. |
UsesHierarchy |
Indicates the class uses hierarchical data. Used to instantiate hierarchical editing features in Details panels. |
ToolTip="Hand-written tooltip" |
Overrides the automatically generated tooltip from code comments. |
Enum Metadata Specifiers
Enumerated types can use the following Metadata Specifiers:
Enumerated Type Meta Tag | Effect |
Bitflags |
Indicates that this enumerated type can be used as flags by integer UPROPERTY variables that are set up with the Bitmask Metadata Specifier. |
Experimental |
Labels this type as experimental and unsupported. |
ScriptName="Display Name" |
The quoted string will be used as the name of this enumerated type in the editor, rather than the default name generated by Unreal Header Tool. |
ToolTip="Hand-written tooltip" |
Overrides the automatically generated tooltip from code comments. |
Individual values within an enumerated type have their own Metadata Specifiers. These differ slightly from other Metadata Specifiers in that they use top-level keyword UMETA
, and are specified after the value they modify, rather than before.
Enumerated Value UMeta Tag | Effect |
DisplayName="Enumerated Value Name" |
This value's name will be the text provided here, rather than the code-generated name. |
Hidden |
This value will not appear in the Editor. |
ToolTip="Hand-written tooltip." |
Overrides the automatically generated tooltip from code comments. |
Interface Metadata Specifiers
Interfaces can use the following Metatag Specifier:
Ensure that Blueprint events are only allowed in implementable interfaces. Internal only functions allowed Ensure that if this interface contains Blueprint callable functions that are not Blueprint defined, that it must be implemented natively
Interface Meta Tag | Effect |
CannotImplementInterfaceInBlueprint |
This interface may not contain BlueprintImplementableEvent or BlueprintNativeEvent functions, other than internal-only functions. If it contains Blueprint-callable functions that are not blueprint-defined, those functions must be implemented in native code. |
Struct Metadata Specifiers
Structs can use the following Metatag Specifiers:
Struct Meta Tag | Effect |
HasNativeBreak="Module.Class.Function" |
Indicates that this struct has a custom Break Struct node. The module, class, and function name must be provided. |
HasNativeMake="Module.Class.Function" |
Indicates that this struct has a custom Make Struct node. The module, class, and function name must be provided. |
HiddenByDefault |
Pins in Make Struct and Break Struct nodes are hidden by default. |
ShortToolTip="Short tooltip" |
A short tooltip that is used in some contexts where the full tooltip might be overwhelming, such as the Parent Class Picker dialog. |
ToolTip="Hand-written tooltip |
Overrides the automatically generated tooltip from code comments. |
Function Metadata Specifiers
Function Meta Tag | Effect |
AdvancedDisplay="Parameter1, Parameter2, .." |
The comma-separated list of parameters will show up as advanced pins (requiring UI expansion). |
AdvancedDisplay=N |
Replace N with a number, and all parameters after the Nth will show up as advanced pins (requiring UI expansion). For example, 'AdvancedDisplay=2' will mark all but the first two parameters as advanced). |
ArrayParm="Parameter1, Parameter2, .." |
Indicates that a BlueprintCallable function should use a Call Array Function node and that the listed parameters should be treated as wild card array properties. |
ArrayTypeDependentParams="Parameter" |
When ArrayParm is used, this specifier indicates one parameter which will determine the types of all parameters in the ArrayParm list. |
AutoCreateRefTerm="Parameter1, Parameter2, .." |
The listed parameters, although passed by reference, will have an automatically created default if their pins are left disconnected. This is a convenience feature for Blueprints, often used on array pins. |
BlueprintAutocast |
Used only by static BlueprintPure functions from a Blueprint function library. A cast node will be automatically added for the return type and the type of the first parameter of the function. |
BlueprintInternalUseOnly |
This function is an internal implementation detail, used to implement another function or node. It is never directly exposed in a Blueprint graph. |
BlueprintProtected |
This function can only be called on the owning Object in a Blueprint. It cannot be called on another instance. |
CallableWithoutWorldContext |
Used for BlueprintCallable functions that have a WorldContext pin to indicate that the function can be called even if its Class does not implement the GetWorld function. |
CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator |
Indicates that a BlueprintCallable function should use the Commutative Associative Binary node. This node lacks pin names, but features an Add Pin button that creates additional input pins. |
CompactNodeTitle="Name" |
Indicates that a BlueprintCallable function should display in the compact display mode, and provides the name to display in that mode. |
CustomStructureParam="Parameter1, Parameter2, .." |
The listed parameters are all treated as wildcards. This specifier requires the To declare a custom |
DefaultToSelf |
For BlueprintCallable functions, this indicates that the Object property's named default value should be the self context of the node. |
DeprecatedFunction |
Any Blueprint references to this function will cause compilation warnings telling the user that the function is deprecated. You can add to the deprecation warning message (for example, to provide instructions on replacing the deprecated function) using the DeprecationMessage metadata specifier. |
DeprecationMessage ="Message Text" |
If the function is deprecated, this message will be added to the standard deprecation warning when trying to compile a Blueprint that uses it. |
DeterminesOutputType="Parameter" |
The return type of the function will dynamically change to match the input that is connected to the named parameter pin. The parameter should be a templated type like TSubClassOf<X> or TSoftObjectPtr<X> , where the function's original return type is X* or a container with X* as the value type, such as TArray<X*> . |
DevelopmentOnly |
Functions marked as DevelopmentOnly will only run in Development mode. This is useful for functionality like debug output, which is expected not to exist in shipped products. |
DisplayName="Blueprint Node Name" |
The name of this node in a Blueprint will be replaced with the value provided here, instead of the code-generated name. |
ExpandEnumAsExecs="Parameter" |
For BlueprintCallable functions, this indicates that one input execution pin should be created for each entry in the enum used by the parameter. The parameter must be of an enumerated type that has the UENUM tag. |
HidePin="Parameter" |
For BlueprintCallable functions, this indicates that the parameter pin should be hidden from the user's view. Only one pin per function can be hidden in this manner. |
HideSelfPin |
Hides the "self" pin, which indicates the object on which the function is being called. The "self" pin is automatically hidden on BlueprintPure functions that are compatible with the calling Blueprint's Class. Functions that use the HideSelfPin Meta Tag frequently also use the DefaultToSelf Specifier. |
InternalUseParam="Parameter" |
Similar to HidePin , this hides the named parameter's pin from the user's view, and can only be used for one parameter per function. |
KeyWords="Set Of Keywords" |
Specifies a set of keywords that can be used when searching for this function, such as when placing a node to call the function in a Blueprint Graph. |
Latent |
Indicates a latent action. Latent actions have one parameter of type FLatentActionInfo , and this parameter is named by the LatentInfo specifier. |
LatentInfo="Parameter" |
For Latent BlueprintCallable functions indicates which parameter is the LatentInfo parameter. |
MaterialParameterCollectionFunction |
For BlueprintCallable functions, indicates that the material override node should be used. |
NativeBreakFunc |
For BlueprintCallable functions, indicates that the function should be displayed the same way as a standard Break Struct node. |
NotBlueprintThreadSafe |
Only valid in Blueprint function libraries. This function will be treated as an exception to the owning Class's general BlueprintThreadSafe metadata. |
ShortToolTip="Short tooltip" |
A short tooltip that is used in some contexts where the full tooltip might be overwhelming, such as the Parent Class Picker dialog. |
ToolTip="Hand-written tooltip |
Overrides the automatically generated tooltip from code comments. |
UnsafeDuringActorConstruction |
This function is not safe to call during Actor construction. |
WorldContext="Parameter" |
Used by BlueprintCallable functions to indicate which parameter determines the World in which the operation takes place. |
Property Metadata Specifiers
Property Meta Tag | Effect |
AllowAbstract="true/false" |
Used for Subclass and SoftClass properties. Indicates whether abstract Class types should be shown in the Class picker. |
AllowedClasses="Class1, Class2, .." |
Used for FSoftObjectPath properties. Comma delimited list that indicates the Class type(s) of assets to be displayed in the Asset picker. |
AllowPreserveRatio |
Used for FVector properties. It causes a ratio lock to be added when displaying this property in details panels. |
ArrayClamp="ArrayProperty" |
Used for integer properties. Clamps the valid values that can be entered in the UI to be between 0 and the length of the array property named. |
AssetBundles |
Used for SoftObjectPtr or SoftObjectPath properties. List of Bundle names used inside Primary Data Assets to specify which Bundles this reference is part of. |
BlueprintBaseOnly |
Used for Subclass and SoftClass properties. Indicates whether only Blueprint Classes should be shown in the Class picker. |
BlueprintCompilerGeneratedDefaults |
Property defaults are generated by the Blueprint compiler and will not be copied when the CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects function is called post-compile. |
ClampMin="N" |
Used for float and integer properties. Specifies the minimum value N that may be entered for the property. |
ClampMax="N" |
Used for float and integer properties. Specifies the maximum value N that may be entered for the property. |
ConfigHierarchyEditable |
This property is serialized to a config (.ini ) file, and can be set anywhere in the config hierarchy. |
ContentDir |
Used by FDirectoryPath properties. Indicates that the path will be picked using the Slate-style directory picker inside the Content folder. |
DisplayAfter="PropertyName" |
This property will show up in the Blueprint Editor immediately after the property named PropertyName , regardless of its order in source code, as long as both properties are in the same category. If multiple properties have the same DisplayAfter value and the same DisplayPriority value, they will appear after the named property in the order in which they are declared in the header file. |
DisplayName="Property Name" |
The name to display for this property, instead of the code-generated name. |
DisplayPriority="N" |
If two properties feature the same DisplayAfter value, or are in the same category and do not have the DisplayAfter Meta Tag, this property will determine their sorting order. The highest-priority value is 1, meaning that a property with a DisplayPriority value of 1 will appear above a property with a DisplayProirity value of 2. If multiple properties have the same DisplayAfter value, they will appear in the order in which they are declared in the header file. |
DisplayThumbnail="true" |
Indicates that the property is an Asset type and it should display the thumbnail of the selected Asset. |
EditCondition="BooleanPropertyName" |
Names a boolean property that is used to indicate whether editing of this property is disabled. Putting "!" before the property name inverts the test. |
EditFixedOrder |
Keeps the elements of an array from being reordered by dragging. |
ExactClass="true" |
Used for FSoftObjectPath properties in conjunction with AllowedClasses . Indicates whether only the exact Classes specified in AllowedClasses can be used, or if subclasses are also valid. |
ExposeFunctionCategories="Category1, Category2, .." |
Specifies a list of categories whose functions should be exposed when building a function list in the Blueprint Editor. |
ExposeOnSpawn="true" |
Specifies whether the property should be exposed on a Spawn Actor node for this Class type. |
FilePathFilter="FileType" |
Used by FFilePath properties. Indicates the path filter to display in the file picker. Common values include "uasset" and "umap", but these are not the only possible values. |
GetByRef |
Makes the "Get" Blueprint Node for this property return a const reference to the property instead of a copy of its value. Only usable with Sparse Class Data, and only when NoGetter is not present. |
HideAlphaChannel |
Used for FColor and FLinearColor properties. Indicates that the Alpha property should be hidden when displaying the property widget in the details. |
HideViewOptions |
Used for Subclass and SoftClass properties. Hides the ability to change view options in the Class picker. |
InlineEditConditionToggle |
Signifies that the boolean property is only displayed inline as an edit condition toggle in other properties, and should not be shown on its own row. |
LongPackageName |
Used by FDirectoryPath properties. Converts the path to a long package name. |
MakeEditWidget |
Used for Transform or Rotator properties, or Arrays of Transforms or Rotators. Indicates that the property should be exposed in the viewport as a movable widget. |
NoGetter |
Causes Blueprint generation not to generate a "get" Node for this property. Only usable with Sparse Class Data. |