Every gameplay class in Unreal Engine is comprised of a class header file (.h
) and a class source
file (.cpp
). The class header contains the declarations of the class and its members, such as variables and functions,
while the class source file is where the functionality of the class is defined by implementing the functions
that belong to the class.
Classes in Unreal Engine have a standardized naming scheme so that you know instantly what kind of class it is simply by looking at the first letter, or prefix. The prefixes for gameplay classes are:
Prefix | Meaning |
A |
Extends from the base class of spawnable gameplay objects. These are Actors, and can be spawned directly into the world. |
U |
Extend from the base class of all gameplay objects. These cannot be directly instanced into the world; they must belong to an Actor. These are generally objects like UActor Components. |
Adding Classes
The C++ Class Wizard sets up the header file and source file you need for your new class, and also updates your game module accordingly.
The header file and source file automatically include the class declaration and class constructor, as well as Unreal Engine-specific code like the UCLASS()
Class Headers
Gameplay classes in Unreal Engine generally have separate and unique class header files. These files are usually named to match the class being
defined within, minus the A
or U
prefix, and using the .h
file extension. So, the class header file for the AActor
class is named Actor.h
Although Epic code follows these guidelines, no formal relationship between class name and source file name exists in the current engine.
Class header files for gameplay classes use standard C++ syntax in conjunction with specialized macros to simplify the process of declaring classes, variables, and functions.
At the top of each gameplay class header file, the generated header file (created automatically) needs to be included. So, at the top of ClassName.h
, the following line must appear:
#include "ClassName.generated.h"
Class Declaration
The class declaration defines the name of the class, what class it inherits from and, thus, any functions and variables it inherits. The class declaration also defines other engine and editor specific behavior that may be desired via class specifiers and metadata.
The syntax for declaring a class is as follows:
UCLASS([specifier, specifier, ...], [meta(key=value, key=value, ...)])
class ClassName : public ParentName
The declaration consists of a standard C++ class declaration for the class. Above the standard declaration, descriptors such as class specifiers and metadata are passed to the UCLASS
macro. These are used to create the UClass
for the class being declared, which can be thought of as the engine's specialized representation of the class. Also, the GENERATED_BODY()
macro must be placed at the very beginning of the class body.
Class Specifiers
When declaring classes, Class Specifiers can be added to the declaration to control how the class behaves with various aspects of the Engine and Editor.
Class Specifier | Effect |
Abstract |
The Abstract Specifier declares the class as an "abstract base class", preventing the user from adding Actors of this class to Levels. This is useful for classes which are not meaningful on their own. For example, the ATriggerBase base class is abstract, while the ATriggerBox subclass is not abstract and can be placed in a Level. |
AdvancedClassDisplay |
The AdvancedClassDisplay Specifier forces all properties of the class to show only in the advanced sections of any details panel where they appear. To override this on an individual property, use the SimpleDisplay specifier on that property. |
AutoCollapseCategories=(Category1, Category2, ...) |
The AutoCollapseCategories Specifier negates the effects, for the listed categories, of the AutoExpandCategories Specifier on a parent class. |
AutoExpandCategories=(Category1, Category2, ...) |
Specifies one or more categories that should be automatically expanded in the Unreal Editor Property window for Objects of this class. To auto-expand variables declared with no category, use the name of the class which declares the variable. |
Blueprintable |
Exposes this class as an acceptable base class for creating Blueprints. The default is NotBlueprintable , unless inherited otherwise. This Specifier is inherited by subclasses. |
BlueprintType |
Exposes this class as a type that can be used for variables in Blueprints. |
ClassGroup=GroupName |
Indicates that Unreal Editor's Actor Browser should include this class and any subclass of this class within the specified GroupName when Group View is enabled in the Actor Browser. |
CollapseCategories |
Indicates that properties of this class should not be grouped in categories in Unreal Editor Property windows. This Specifier is propagated to child classes, and can be overridden by the DontCollapseCategories Specifier. |
Config=ConfigName |
Indicates that this class is allowed to store data in a configuration file (.ini ). If there are any class properties declared with the config or globalconfig Specifiers, this Specifier causes those properties to be stored in the named configuration file. This Specifier is propagated to all child classes and cannot be negated, but child classes can change the config file by re-declaring the config Specifier and providing a different ConfigName . Common ConfigName values are "Engine", "Editor", "Input", and "Game". |
Const |
All properties and functions in this class are const and are exported as const . This Specifier is inherited by subclasses. |
ConversionRoot |
A root convert limits a subclass to only be able to convert to child classes of the first root class going up the hierarchy. |
CustomConstructor |
Prevents automatic generation of the constructor declaration. |
DefaultToInstanced |
All instances of this class are considered "instanced". Instanced classes (components) are duplicated upon construction. This Specifier is inherited by subclasses. |
DependsOn=(ClassName1, ClassName2, ...) |
All classes listed will be compiled before this class. The class names provided must indicate classes in the same (or a previous) package. Multiple dependency classes can be identified using a single DependsOn line delimited by commas, or can be specified using a separate DependsOn line for each class. This is important when a class uses a struct or enum declared in another class, as the compiler only knows what is in the classes it has already compiled. |
Deprecated |
This class is deprecated and Objects of this class will not be saved when serializing. This Specifier is inherited by subclasses. |
DontAutoCollapseCategories=(Category, Category, ...) |
Negates the AutoCollapseCategories Specifier for the listed categories inherited from a parent class. |
DontCollapseCategories |
Negates a CollapseCatogories Specifier inherited from a base class. |
EditInlineNew |
Indicates that Objects of this class can be created from the Unreal Editor Property window, as opposed to being referenced from an existing Asset. The default behavior is that only references to existing Objects may be assigned through the Property window). This Specifier is propagated to all child classes; child classes can override this with the NotEditInlineNew Specifier. |
HideCategories=(Category1, Category2, ...) |
Lists one or more categories that should be hidden from the user entirely. To hide properties declared with no category, use the name of the class which declares the variable. This Specifier is propagated to child classes. |
HideDropdown |
Prevents this class from showing up in property window combo boxes. |
HideFunctions=(Category1, Category2, ...) |
Hides all functions in the specified category from the user entirely. |
HideFunctions=FunctionName |
Hides the named functions from the user entirely. |
Intrinsic |
This indicates that the class was declared directly in C++, and has no boilerplate generated by Unreal Header Tool. Do not use this Specifier on new classes. |
MinimalAPI |
Causes only the class's type information to be exported for use by other modules. The class can be cast to, but the functions of the class cannot be called (with the exception of inline methods). This improves compile times by not exporting everything for classes that do not need all of their functions accessible in other modules. |
NoExport |
Indicates that this class's declaration should not be included in the automatically-generated C++ header file by the header generator. The C++ class declaration must be defined manually in a separate header file. Only valid for native classes. Do not use this for new classes. |
NonTransient |
Negates a Transient Specifier inherited from a base class. |
NotBlueprintable |
Specifies that this class is not an acceptable base class for creating Blueprints. This is the default and is inherited by subclasses. |
NotPlaceable |
Negates a Placeable Specifier inherited from a base class. Indicates that Objects of this class may not be placed into a Level, UI scene, or Blueprint in the Editor. |
PerObjectConfig |
Configuration information for this class will be stored per Object, where each object has a section in the .ini file named after the Object in the format [ObjectName ClassName] . This Specifier is propagated to child classes. |
Placeable |
Placeable is a deprecated Specifier that enables the Editor to create instances of a class and place them into Levels, UI scenes, or Blueprints, depending on the class type. This Specifier is on by default, unless the class or one of its ancestors has the NotPlaceable Specifier. However, because it cannot override an inherited NotPlaceable Specifier and is on by default, Placeable is considered legacy. |
ShowCategories=(Category1, Category2, ...) |
Negates a HideCategories Specifier (inherited from a base class) for the listed categories. |
ShowFunctions=(Category1, Category2, ...) |
Shows all functions within the listed categories in a property viewer. |
ShowFunctions=FunctionName |
Shows the named function in a property viewer. |
Transient |
Objects belonging to this class will never be saved to disk. This is useful in conjunction with certain kinds of native classes which are non-persistent by nature, such as players or windows. This Specifier is propagated to child classes, but can be overridden by the NonTransient Specifier. |
Within=OuterClassName |
Objects of this class cannot exist outside of an instance of an OuterClassName Object. This means that creating an Object of this class requires that an instance of OuterClassName is provided as its Outer Object. |
Metadata Specifiers
When declaring classes, interfaces, structs, enums, enum values, functions, or properties, you can add Metadata Specifiers to control how they interact with various aspects of the engine and editor. Each type of data structure or member has its own list of Metadata Specifiers.
Metadata only exists in the editor; do not write game logic that accesses metadata.
Classes can use the following Metatag Specifiers:
| Class Meta Tag | Effect | | --- | --- | |BlueprintSpawnableComponent
| If present, the component Class can be spawned by a Blueprint. |
| BlueprintThreadSafe
| Only valid on Blueprint function libraries. This specifier marks the functions in this class as callable on non-game threads in animation Blueprints. |
| ChildCannotTick
| Used for Actor and Component classes. If the native class cannot tick, Blueprint-generated classes based this Actor or Component can never tick, even if bCanBlueprintsTickByDefault
is true. |
| ChildCanTick
| Used for Actor and Component classes. If the native class cannot tick, Blueprint-generated classes based this Actor or Component can have the bCanEverTick
flag overridden, even if bCanBlueprintsTickByDefault
is false. |
| DeprecatedNode
| For behavior tree nodes, indicates that the class is deprecated and will display a warning when compiled. |
| DeprecationMessage="Message Text"
| Deprecated classes with this metadata will include this text with the standard deprecation warning that Blueprint Scripts generate during compilation. |
| DisplayName="Blueprint Node Name"
| The name of this node in a Blueprint Script will be replaced with the value provided here, instead of the code-generated name. |
| DontUseGenericSpawnObject
| Do not spawn an Object of the class using Generic Create Object node in Blueprint Scripts; this specifier applies only to Blueprint-type classes that are neither Actors nor Actor Components. |
| ExposedAsyncProxy
| Expose a proxy Object of this class in Async Task nodes. |
| IgnoreCategoryKeywordsInSubclasses
| Used to make the first subclass of a class ignore all inherited ShowCategories
and HideCategories
Specifiers. |
| IsBlueprintBase="true/false"
| States that this class is (or is not) an acceptable base class for creating Blueprints, similar to the Blueprintable
or 'NotBlueprintable` Specifiers. |
KismetHideOverrides="Event1, Event2, .." |
List of Blueprint events that are not allowed to be overridden. |
ProhibitedInterfaces="Interface1, Interface2, .." |
Lists Interfaces that are not compatible with the class. |
RestrictedToClasses="Class1, Class2, .." |
Blueprint function library classes can use this to restrict usage to the classes named in the list. |
ShortToolTip="Short tooltip" |
A short tooltip that is used in some contexts where the full tooltip might be overwhelming, such as the Parent Class Picker dialog. |
ShowWorldContextPin |
Indicates that Blueprint nodes placed in graphs owned by this class must show their World context pins, even if they are normally hidden, because Objects of this class cannot be used as World context. |
UsesHierarchy |
Indicates the class uses hierarchical data. Used to instantiate hierarchical editing features in Details panels. |
ToolTip="Hand-written tooltip" |
Overrides the automatically generated tooltip from code comments. |
Class Implementation
All gameplay classes must use the GENERATED_BODY
macro in order to be implemented properly. This is done in the class header (.h) file that defines the
class and all of its variables and functions. A best practice is for the class source and header files to be named to match the class being implemented, minus the A
or U
prefix. So, the source file for
the AActor
class is named Actor.cpp
, and its header file is named Actor.h
. This is handled automatically for classes created by the "Add C++ Class" menu option within the editor.
The source file (.cpp) must include the header file (.h) that contains the C++ class declaration, which is usually generated automatically but can also be created manually (if desired). For example, the C++ declaration
for the AActor
class is automatically generated in the EngineClasses.h
header file. This means the Actor.cpp
file must include the EngineClasses.h
file or another file that in turn
includes it. Generally, you just include the header file for your game project, which will include the headers for the gameplay classes in your game project. In the case of AActor
, the EnginePrivate.h
header is included, which includes Engine.h
- the header file for the Engine project - and that includes the EngineClasses.h
header file.
#include "EnginePrivate.h"
You may also need to include additional files if you reference other classes in the implementation of the class's functions that are not included simply by the inclusion of that one file.
Class Constructor
use Constructors to set default values for properties and other variables as well as perform other necessary initialization. The class constructor is generally placed within the class
implementation file, e.g. the AActor::AActor
constructor is in Actor.cpp
Some constructors may be located in a special "constructors" file on a per-module basis. For example, the AActor::AActor
constructor may be found in EngineConstructors.cpp
. This is the
result of an automatic conversion process from the previous use of a DEFAULTS
block to the use of constructors. Over time, these will be moved to their respective class source files.
It is also possible to place the constructor inline in the class header file. However, if the constructor is in the class header file, the UClass must be declared with the CustomConstructor
specifier as this prevents the automatic code generator from creating a constructor declaration in the header.
Constructor Format
The most basic form of a UObject constructor is shown below:
// Initialize Class Default Object properties here.
This constructor initializes the Class Default Object (CDO), which is the master copy on which future instances of the class are based. There is also a secondary constructor that supports a special property-altering structure:
UMyObject::UMyObject(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
// Initialize CDO properties here.
Although neither of the above constructors actually perform any initialization, the engine will have already initialized all fields to zero, NULL, or whatever value their default constructors implement.
However, any initialization code written into the constructor will be applied to the CDO, and will therefore be copied to any new instances of the object created properly within the engine, as with
or SpawnActor
The FObjectInitializer
parameter that is passed into the constructor, despite being marked as const, can be configured via built-in mutable functions to override properties and subobjects. The UObject
created will be affected by these changes, and this can be used to change the values of registered properties or components.
AUDKEmitterPool::AUDKEmitterPool(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer.DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT("SomeComponent")).DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT("SomeOtherComponent")))
// Initialize CDO properties here.
In the above case, the superclass was going to create the subobjects named "SomeComponent" and "SomeOtherComponent" in its constructor, but it will not do so because of the FObjectInitializer.
In the following case, SomeProperty
will default to 26 in the CDO, and thus in every fresh instance of AUTDemoHUD.
// Initialize CDO properties here.
SomeProperty = 26;
Constructor Statics and Helpers
Setting values for more complex data types, especially class references, names, and asset references, requires defining and instantiating a ConstructorStatics struct in the constructor to
hold the various property values needed. This ConstructorStatics
struct is only created the first time the constructor is run. On subsequent runs, it just copies a pointer, which makes it
extremely fast. When the ConstructorStatics
struct is created, the values are assigned to the members of the struct for accessing when assigning the values to the actual properties themselves
later on in the constructor.
ContructorHelpers is a special namespace defined in ObjectBase.h
that contains helper templates that are used to perform common actions specific to constructors. For instance, there are
helper templates for finding references to assets or classes as well as creating and finding components.
Asset References
Ideally, asset references in classes do not exist. Hardcoded asset references are brittle and the preferred method is to use Blueprints for configuring asset properties. However, hardcoded references are still fully supported. We do not want to search for assets every time we construct an object, so these searches are only done once. This is accomplished via a static struct which ensures that we do our asset searches only once:
finds a reference to the specified UObject
using StaticLoadObject
. This is generally used to reference assets stored in content packages. Reports
failure if the object is not found.
// Structure to hold one-time initialization
struct FConstructorStatics
ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> Object0;
: Object0(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/UT3/Pickups/Pickups/Health_Large/Mesh/S_Pickups_Base_Health_Large.S_Pickups_Base_Health_Large'"))
static FConstructorStatics ConstructorStatics;
// Property initialization
StaticMesh = ConstructorStatics.Object0.Object;
Class References
finds a reference to the specified UClass
and reports a failure if the class is not found.
APylon::APylon(const class FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
// Structure to hold one-time initialization
static FClassFinder<UNavigationMeshBase> ClassFinder(TEXT("class'Engine.NavigationMeshBase'"));
if (ClassFinder.Succeeded())
NavMeshClass = ClassFinder.Class;
NavMeshClass = nullptr;
In many cases, you can just use USomeClass::StaticClass()
and skip the complexity of the ClassFinder altogether. For example, you can use the method below in most circumstances:
NavMeshClass = UNavigationMeshBase::StaticClass();
For cross-module references, it is probably better to use the ClassFinder method.
Components and Sub-Objects
Creating component subobjects and attaching them to the actor's hierarchy can also be done inside of the constructor. When spawning an actor, its components will be cloned from the CDO. In order to ensure that components are always created, destroyed, and properly garbage-collected, a pointer to every component created in the constructor should be stored in a UPROPERTY of the owning class.
class AWindPointSource : public AActor
UWindPointSourceComponent* WindPointSource;
UDrawSphereComponent* DisplaySphere;
// Create a new component and give it a name.
WindPointSource = CreateDefaultSubobject<UWindPointSourceComponent>(TEXT("WindPointSourceComponent0"));
// Set our new component as the RootComponent of this actor, or attach it to the root if one already exists.
if (RootComponent == nullptr)
RootComponent = WindPointSource;
// Create a second component. This will be attached to the component we just created.
DisplaySphere = CreateDefaultSubobject<UDrawSphereComponent>(TEXT("DrawSphereComponent0"));
// Set some properties on the new component.
DisplaySphere->ShapeColor.R = 173;
DisplaySphere->ShapeColor.G = 239;
DisplaySphere->ShapeColor.B = 231;
DisplaySphere->ShapeColor.A = 255;
DisplaySphere->AlwaysLoadOnClient = false;
DisplaySphere->AlwaysLoadOnServer = false;
DisplaySphere->bAbsoluteScale = true;
Modifying a component belonging to the parent class is generally not necessary. However, a current list of all attached components, including components created by the parent class,
is available by calling GetAttachParent
, GetParentComponents
, GetNumChildrenComponents
, GetChildrenComponents
, and GetChildComponent
on any
, including the root component.