Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Sockets > ISocketSubsystem
- ISocketSubsystem::GetLocalBindAddresses()
- FSocketSubsystemEOS::GetLocalBindAddresses()
- FSteamSocketsSubsystem::GetLocalBindAddresses()
Module | Sockets |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Sockets/Public/SocketSubsystem.h |
Include | #include "SocketSubsystem.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Sockets/Private/SocketSubsystem.cpp |
virtual TArray< TSharedRef< FInternetAddr > > GetLocalBindAddresses&40;&41;
Get bindable addresses that this machine can use as reported by GetAddressInfo with the BindableAddress flag. This will return the various any address for usage. If multihome has been specified, only the multihome address will be returned in the array. If GetAddressInfo succeeded or multihome is specified, an array of addresses that can be binded on. Failure returns an empty array.