Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Sockets > ISocketSubsystem > GetAddressInfo
Deprecated * Migrate to GetAddressInfo that takes an FName as the protocol specification.
Module | Sockets |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Sockets/Public/SocketSubsystem.h |
Include | #include "SocketSubsystem.h" |
virtual FAddressInfoResult GetAddressInfo
const TCHAR &42; HostName,
const TCHAR &42; ServiceName,
EAddressInfoFlags QueryFlags,
ESocketProtocolFamily ProtocolType,
ESocketType SocketType
Gets the address information of the given hostname and outputs it into an array of resolvable addresses. It is up to the caller to determine which one is valid for their environment. the results structure containing the array of address results to this query
Name | Description |
HostName | string version of the queryable hostname or ip address |
ServiceName | string version of a service name ("http") or a port number ("80") |
QueryFlags | What flags are used in making the getaddrinfo call. Several flags can be used at once by bitwise OR-ing the flags together. Platforms are required to translate this value into a the correct flag representation. |
ProtocolType | Used to limit results from the call. Specifying None will search all valid protocols. Callers will find they rarely have to specify this flag. |
SocketType | What socket type should the results be formatted for. This typically does not change any formatting results and can be safely left to the default value. |