Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Sockets > FSocket
Module | Sockets |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Sockets/Public/Sockets.h |
Include | #include "Sockets.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Sockets/Private/Sockets.cpp |
virtual bool RecvMulti
FRecvMulti & MultiData,
ESocketReceiveFlags::Type Flags
Reads multiple packets from the socket at once, gathering the source address and other optional platform specific data. Use ISocketSubsystem::IsSocketRecvMultiSupported to check if the current socket platform supports this. NOTE: For optimal performance, one FRecvMulti instance should be used, for the lifetime of the socket. Whether or not data was successfully received
Name | Description |
MultiData | The FRecvMulti instance that receives packet data and holds platform specific buffers for receiving data. |
Flags | The receive flags. |