uint8: 1 |
bCompressLightmaps |
Whether to compress lightmap textures. |
uint8: 1 |
bGenerateAmbientOcclusionMaterialMask |
Whether to generate textures storing the AO computed by Lightmass. |
uint8: 1 |
bUseAmbientOcclusion |
If true, AmbientOcclusion will be enabled. |
uint8: 1 |
bVisualizeAmbientOcclusion |
If true, override normal direct and indirect lighting with just the AO term. |
uint8: 1 |
bVisualizeMaterialDiffuse |
If true, override normal direct and indirect lighting with just the exported diffuse term. |
float |
DiffuseBoost |
Scales the diffuse contribution of all materials in the scene. |
float |
DirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction |
How much of the AO to apply to direct lighting. |
float |
EmissiveBoost |
Scales the emissive contribution of all materials in the scene. |
FColor |
EnvironmentColor |
Represents a constant color light surrounding the upper hemisphere of the level, like a sky. |
float |
EnvironmentIntensity |
Scales EnvironmentColor to allow independent color and brightness controls. |
float |
FullyOccludedSamplesFraction |
Fraction of samples taken that must be occluded in order to reach full occlusion. |
float |
IndirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction |
How much of the AO to apply to indirect lighting. |
float |
IndirectLightingQuality |
Warning: Setting this higher than 1 will greatly increase build times! Can be used to increase the GI solver sample counts in order to get higher quality for levels that need it. |
float |
IndirectLightingSmoothness |
Smoothness factor to apply to indirect lighting. |
float |
MaxOcclusionDistance |
Maximum distance for an object to cause occlusion on another object. |
int32 |
NumIndirectLightingBounces |
Number of light bounces to simulate for point / spot / directional lights, starting from the light source. |
int32 |
NumSkyLightingBounces |
Number of skylight and emissive bounces to simulate. |
float |
OcclusionExponent |
Higher exponents increase contrast. |
float |
StaticLightingLevelScale |
Warning: Setting this to less than 1 will greatly increase build times! Scale of the level relative to real world scale (1 Unreal Unit = 1 cm). |
TEnumAsByte< enum EVolumeLightingMethod > |
VolumeLightingMethod |
Technique to use for providing precomputed lighting at all positions inside the Lightmass Importance Volume |
float |
VolumeLightSamplePlacementScale |
Scales the distances at which volume lighting samples are placed. |
float |
VolumetricLightmapDetailCellSize |
Size of an Volumetric Lightmap voxel at the highest density (used around geometry), in world space units. |
float |
VolumetricLightmapMaximumBrickMemoryMb |
Maximum amount of memory to spend on Volumetric Lightmap Brick data. |
float |
VolumetricLightmapSphericalHarmonicSmoothing |
Controls how much smoothing should be done to Volumetric Lightmap samples during Spherical Harmonic de-ringing. |