Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > MovieRenderPipelineCore > UMoviePipelineExecutorJob
Module | MovieRenderPipelineCore |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/MovieScene/MovieRenderPipeline/Source/MovieRenderPipelineCore/Public/MoviePipelineQueue.h |
Include | #include "MoviePipelineQueue.h" |
UFUNCTION&40;BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent, Category&61;"Movie Render Pipeline"&41;
void SetStatusMessage
const FString & InStatus
Set the status of this job to the given value. This will be shown on the UI if progress is set to a value less than zero. If progress is > 0 then the progress bar will be shown on the UI instead. Progress and Status Message are cosmetic and dependent on the executor to update. Similar to the UMoviePipelineExecutor::SetStatusMessage function, but at a per-job level basis instead.
For C++ implementations override `virtual void SetStatusMessage_Implementation() override_ For Python/BP implementations override .ufunction(override=True) def set_status_message(self, inStatus):
Name | Description |
InStatus | The status message you wish the executor to have. |