Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > MovieRenderPipelineCore > UMoviePipelineExecutorBase
Module | MovieRenderPipelineCore |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/MovieScene/MovieRenderPipeline/Source/MovieRenderPipelineCore/Public/MoviePipelineExecutor.h |
Include | #include "MoviePipelineExecutor.h" |
UFUNCTION&40;BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent, Category&61;"Movie Render Pipeline"&41;
void SetStatusProgress
const float InProgress
Set the progress of this Executor. Does nothing in default implementations, but a useful shorthand for implementations to broadcast progress updates, ie: You can call SetStatusProgress as your executor changes progress, and override the SetStatusProgress function to make it actually do something (such as printing to a log or updating a third party API).
Does not necessairly reflect the overall progress of the work, it is an arbitrary 0-1 value that can be used to indicate different things (depending on implementation).
For C++ implementations override `virtual bool SetStatusProgress_Implementation() override_ For Python/BP implementations override .ufunction(override=True) def set_status_progress(self, inStatus):
Name | Description |
InProgress | The progress (0-1 range) the executor should have. |