Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > MovieRenderPipelineCore > UMoviePipelineConfigBase
Module | MovieRenderPipelineCore |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/MovieScene/MovieRenderPipeline/Source/MovieRenderPipelineCore/Public/MoviePipelineConfigBase.h |
Include | #include "MoviePipelineConfigBase.h" |
UFUNCTION&40;BlueprintCallable, Meta&61;&40;DeterminesOutputType&61;"InClass"&41;,
Category&61;"Movie Render Pipeline"&41;
UMoviePipelineSetting &42; FindOrAddSettingByClass
TSubclassOf< UMoviePipelineSetting > InClass,
const bool bIncludeDisabledSettings,
const bool bExactMatch
Finds a setting of a particular type for this pipeline config, adding it if it doesn't already exist. An instance of this class as a setting on this config.
Name | Description |
InClass | Class you wish to find or create the setting object for. |
bIncludeDisabledSettings | if true, disabled settings will be included in the search |
bExactMatch | if true, only exact matches of the specified class will be found, otherwise subclasses of the specified class will also be found |