Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > GeometryMode > HGeomPolyProxy
- HHitProxy::AlwaysAllowsTranslucentPrimitives()
- HGeomPolyProxy::AlwaysAllowsTranslucentPrimitives()
Module | GeometryMode |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Editor/GeometryMode/Source/GeometryMode/Public/EditorGeometry.h |
Include | #include "EditorGeometry.h" |
virtual bool AlwaysAllowsTranslucentPrimitives&40;&41; const
Method that specifies whether the hit proxy always allows translucent primitives to be associated with it or not, regardless of any other engine/editor setting. For example, if translucent selection was disabled, any hit proxies returning true would still allow translucent selection. In this specific case, true is always returned because geometry mode hit proxies always need to be selectable or geometry mode will not function correctly. true if translucent primitives are always allowed with this hit proxy; false otherwise