Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > AppleARKitFaceSupport > UAppleARKitFaceMeshComponent
- UPrimitiveComponent::GetRenderMatrix()
- UAppleARKitFaceMeshComponent::GetRenderMatrix()
Module | AppleARKitFaceSupport |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/AppleAR/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Source/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Public/AppleARKitFaceMeshComponent.h |
Include | #include "AppleARKitFaceMeshComponent.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/AppleAR/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Source/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Private/AppleARKitFaceMeshComponent.cpp |
virtual FMatrix GetRenderMatrix&40;&41; const
Returns the matrix that should be used to render this component. Allows component class to perform graphical distortion to the component not supported by an FTransform NOTE: When overriding this method to alter the transform used for rendering it is typically neccessary to also implement USceneComponent::UpdateBounds. Otherwise the Local bounds will not match the world space bounds, causing incorrect culling.