Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > Sequencer > FSequencerKeyStructGenerator
Module | Sequencer |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/Sequencer/Public/SequencerKeyStructGenerator.h |
Include | #include "SequencerKeyStructGenerator.h" |
template<typename ChannelType>
TSharedPtr < FStructOnScope > CreateKeyStructInstance
const TMovieSceneChannelHandle < ChannelType > & ChannelHandle,
FKeyHandle InHandle
- Create a new struct instance using the specified channel and key handles
Specific generation logic may be implemented by overloading the following free-function for your channel type: UMovieSceneKeyStructType* InstanceGeneratedStruct(ChannelType* Channel, FSequencerKeyStructGenerator* Generator) An instance of a key struct for use on an edit UI, or nullptr if no valid one could be generated.