Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > AITestSuite > BehaviorTree > UTestBTService_Log
- UBTAuxiliaryNode::TickNode()
- UBTService::TickNode()
- UTestBTService_Log::TickNode()
Module | AITestSuite |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/AITestSuite/Classes/BehaviorTree/TestBTService_Log.h |
Include | #include "BehaviorTree/TestBTService_Log.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Developer/AITestSuite/Private/BehaviorTree/TestBTService_Log.cpp |
virtual void TickNode
UBehaviorTreeComponent & OwnerComp,
uint8 &42; NodeMemory,
float DeltaSeconds
Update next tick interval this function should be considered as const (don't modify state of object) if node is not instanced! bNotifyTick must be set to true for this function to be called Calling INIT_SERVICE_NODE_NOTIFY_FLAGS in the constructor of the service will set this flag automatically