Once you’ve created a video in Twinmotion, you can edit various aspects of it. If your video contains several parts, you can reorganize them in the order you want them to play. You can change the length and playback speed of a video by adjusting the length of each part in the video. In the Part menu and the Keyframe menu, you can access common commands to manage parts and keyframes such as Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete. If you change the visibility status of objects or the camera position in your scene after a video has been created, you can update your video by refreshing the keyframes in the video.
Organizing Parts
You can organize the order the parts of your video play by dragging and dropping them to the position of your choice.
In the Media dock, click on the video.
In the Toolbar, click the Collapse/expand parts icon.
Click and hold the Grab and move part handle and drag and drop the part to a new position.
Changing Part Length
By default, Twinmotion sets a length of 10 seconds per part, meaning that it takes 10 seconds to play a part from beginning to end. The length assigned to parts affects the playback speed and length of videos. For example, if a video contains three parts that each have a length of 10 seconds, the total playing time of the video is 30 seconds.
You can change the part length to adjust the total playing time of a video. A longer length makes the part play slower, and a shorter length makes the part play faster.
To change the part length:
In the Media dock, click on the video.
Select the part in the video.
To the right of the part name enter a new value for the length. The length is measured in minutes and seconds.
To preview the part length, click the Play icon situated in the video controls on the Toolbar.
Managing Parts and Keyframes
The keyframes and parts inside a video each have their own menu.
In the Part menu you can Rename, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete parts. You can also Collapse a part and select the Start/end ambience command to create time-lapse videos.
Part menu
In the Keyframe menu you can Delete keyframes, as well as copy and paste the visual settings (ambience) from one keyframe to another.
Keyframe menu
Opening the Part Menu
In the Media dock, click on a video.
Select a part in the video.
Click the ellipsis (...) to the right of the part name.
Opening the Keyframe Menu
In the Media dock, click on a video.
Select a part in the video.
Hover over a keyframe and click the ellipsis (...) that appears above the keyframe.
Renaming Parts
In the Media dock, click on a video.
Select the part that you want to rename.
Open the Part menu, and select Rename.
Type the new name for the part.
Cutting, Copying, Pasting, and Deleting Parts
In the Media dock, click on a video.
Select the part that you want to cut, copy, paste or delete.
Open the Part menu and select a command.
Deleting Keyframes
In the Media dock, click on a video.
Select the keyframe that you want to delete.
Open the Keyframe menu and select Delete.
Updating Keyframes
If you make changes to the visibility status of objects in the Scene graph or change the camera position in the scene when editing a video, you can update the keyframes in the video to reflect the changes you’ve made in the scene by refreshing the keyframes.
For more information on how to refresh keyframes, refer to Updating Media.