Programming and Scripting contains information on how to use the following Unreal Engine (UE) programming features:
Programming with C++ in UE is similar to standard C++, using Classes, Functions, and Variables. These are defined using standard C++ syntax. Each class defines a template for a new Object or Actor that can be further encapsulated with the Unreal Engine Reflection System.
Blueprints Visual Scripting is a visual scripting programming tool that creates classes, functions, and variables in the Unreal Editor. These classes can then be executed by connecting various nodes together. C++ classes are used as a base for Blueprint classes, programmers can set up fundamental gameplay classes that are then sub-classed and iterated on by Designers.
Online Subsystems and Services provides a common way to access the functionality of various online services such as Playstation Network, Xbox Live, Epic Online Services, and Steam. Developers can use these tools when working on a game that ships on multiple platforms or supports multiple online services that are configured individually for each supported service.
Unreal Architecture contains UE's Modules. These encapsulate specific editor tools, runtime features, libraries, or other functionality in standalone units of code. All projects and plugins have their own primary module by default, however, you can define additional modules to organize your code.
Development Setup contains guides on how to set up your development environment, how to download and build the UE source code, and instructions on the use of supplemental programming tools.
Slate UI Programming is a custom and platform-agnostic user interface framework designed to make efficient user interfaces for tools and applications such as the Unreal Editor or in-game user interfaces. It combines a declarative syntax with the ability to easily design, layout, and style components that allows for easily creating and iterating on UIs.