
unreal._redirect_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None)
unreal.find_asset(name, type=Object, follow_redirectors=True)Object find an already loaded Unreal asset with the given name, optionally validating its type
unreal.find_object(outer, name, type=Object, follow_redirectors=True)Object find an already loaded Unreal object with the given outer and name, optionally validating its type
unreal.find_package(name)Package find an already loaded Unreal package with the given name
unreal.flush_generated_type_reinstancing()None flush any pending reinstancing requests for Python generated types
unreal.generate_class(type)None generate an Unreal class for the given Python type
unreal.generate_enum(type)None generate an Unreal enum for the given Python type
unreal.generate_struct(type)None generate an Unreal struct for the given Python type
unreal.get_blueprint_generated_types(...) -> tuple(type)/type/None -- get the Python types (will return a tuple for multiple types) for the given set of Blueprint asset paths (may be a sequence type or set of arguments)
unreal.get_default_object(type)Object get the Unreal class default object (CDO) of the given type
unreal.get_editor_subsystem()subsystem returns the requested subsystem could be null
unreal.get_engine_subsystem()subsystem returns the requested subsystem could be null
unreal.get_interpreter_executable_path()str get the path to the Python interpreter executable of the Python SDK this plugin was compiled against
unreal.get_type_from_class(class)type get the best matching Python type for the given Unreal class
unreal.get_type_from_enum(enum)type get the best matching Python type for the given Unreal enum
unreal.get_type_from_struct(struct)type get the best matching Python type for the given Unreal struct
unreal.is_editor()Bool tells if the editor is running or not
unreal.load_asset(name, type=Object, follow_redirectors=True)Object load an Unreal asset with the given name, optionally validating its type
unreal.load_class(outer, name, type=Object)Class load an Unreal class with the given outer and name, optionally validating its base type
unreal.load_module(str)None load the given Unreal module and generate any Python code for its reflected types
unreal.load_object(outer, name, type=Object, follow_redirectors=True)Object load an Unreal object with the given outer and name, optionally validating its type
unreal.load_package(name)Package load an Unreal package with the given name
unreal.LOCTABLE(id, key)Text get a localized Text from the given string table id and key
unreal.log(str)None log the given argument as information in the LogPython category
unreal.log_error(str)None log the given argument as an error in the LogPython category
unreal.log_flush()None flush the log to disk
unreal.log_warning(str)None log the given argument as a warning in the LogPython category
unreal.new_object(type, outer=Transient, name=Default, base_type=Object)Object create an Unreal object of the given class (and optional outer and name), optionally validating its type
unreal.NSLOCTEXT(ns, key, source)Text create a localized Text from the given namespace, key, and source string
unreal.parent_external_window_to_slate(external_window, parent_search_method=SlateParentWindowSearchMethod.ACTIVE_WINDOW)None parent the given OS specific external window handle to a suitable Slate window
unreal.purge_object_references(obj, include_inners=True)None purge all references to the given Unreal object from any living Python objects
unreal.register_python_shutdown_callback(callable)_DelegateHandle register the given callable (with no input arguments) as a callback to execute immediately before Python shutdown
unreal.register_slate_post_tick_callback(callable)_DelegateHandle register the given callable (taking a single float) as a pre-tick callback in Slate
unreal.register_slate_pre_tick_callback(callable)_DelegateHandle register the given callable (taking a single float) as a pre-tick callback in Slate
unreal.reload(str)None reload the given Unreal Python module

decorator used to define UClass types from Python


decorator used to define UEnum types from Python

unreal.ufunction(meta=None, ret=None, params=None, override=None, static=None, pure=None, getter=None, setter=None)

decorator used to define UFunction fields from Python

unreal.unregister_python_shutdown_callback(handle)None unregister the given handle from a previous call to register_python_shutdown_callback
unreal.unregister_slate_post_tick_callback(handle)None unregister the given handle from a previous call to register_slate_post_tick_callback
unreal.unregister_slate_pre_tick_callback(handle)None unregister the given handle from a previous call to register_slate_pre_tick_callback
unreal.uproperty(type, meta=None, getter=None, setter=None)

function used to define UProperty fields from Python


decorator used to define UStruct types from Python

unreal.uvalue(val, meta=None)

function used to define constant values from Python