- class unreal.ViewportStatsSubsystem(outer=None, name='None')¶
The Viewport Stats Subsystem offers the ability to add messages to the current viewport such as “LIGHTING NEEDS TO BE REBUILT” and “BLUEPRINT COMPILE ERROR”.
Example usage:
if (UViewportStatsSubsystem* ViewportSubsystem = GetWorld()->GetSubsystem<UViewportStatsSubsystem>()) {
// Bind a member function delegate to the subsystem… FViewportDisplayCallback Callback; Callback.BindDynamic(this, &UCustomClass::DisplayViewportMessage); ViewportSubsystem->AddDisplayDelegate(Callback);
// … or use inline lambda functions ViewportSubsystem->AddDisplayDelegate([](FText& OutText, FLinearColor& OutColor) {
// Some kind of state management OutText = NSLOCTEXT(“FooNamespace”, “Blarg”, “Display message here”); OutColor = FLinearColor::Red; return bShouldDisplay;
C++ Source:
Module: Engine
File: ViewportStatsSubsystem.h
- add_display_delegate(delegate) → int32¶
Add a dynamic delegate to the display subsystem.
- Parameters
delegate (ViewportDisplayCallback) –
- Returns
- Return type
- add_timed_display(text, color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], duration=0.0) → None¶
Add a message to be displayed on the viewport of this world
- Parameters
text (Text) – The text to be displayed
color (LinearColor) – Color of the text to be displayed
duration (float) – How long the text will be on screen, if 0 then it will stay indefinitely