
class unreal.VehicleAnimInstance(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.AnimInstance

Vehicle Anim Instance

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PhysXVehicles

  • Module: PhysXVehicles

  • File: VehicleAnimInstance.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • on_all_montage_instances_ended (OnAllMontageInstancesEndedMCDelegate): [Read-Write] Called when all Montage instances have ended.

  • on_montage_blending_out (OnMontageBlendingOutStartedMCDelegate): [Read-Write] Called when a montage starts blending out, whether interrupted or finished

  • on_montage_ended (OnMontageEndedMCDelegate): [Read-Write] Called when a montage has ended, whether interrupted or finished

  • on_montage_started (OnMontageStartedMCDelegate): [Read-Write] Called when a montage has started

  • propagate_notifies_to_linked_instances (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to propagate notifies to any linked anim instances

  • receive_notifies_from_linked_instances (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to process notifies from any linked anim instances

  • root_motion_mode (RootMotionMode): [Read-Write] Sets where this blueprint pulls Root Motion from


Makes a montage jump to the end of a named section.


Return type
