- class unreal.VPCameraRigSpawnParams(use_world_space=True, use_first_point_as_spawn_location=False, linear_approximation_mode=VPCameraRigSpawnLinearApproximationMode.NONE, linear_approximation_param=1.0)¶
Parameters used to custom the CameraRig that’s created.
C++ Source:
Plugin: VirtualProductionUtilities
Module: VPUtilities
File: VPCameraBlueprintLibrary.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(VPCameraRigSpawnLinearApproximationMode): [Read-Write] Causes a linear approximation of the spline points to be generated instead of relying purely on the passed in points / curves.linear_approximation_param
(float): [Read-Write] This is only used if LinearApproximationMode is not None. When mode is Density: See FSplinePositionLinearApproximation::Build.When mode is IntegrationStep: Integration step (in CM) between approximation points. Decreasing this value will increase the number of spline points and will therefore increase the accuracy (at the cost of increased complexity).
(bool): [Read-Write] Use the first vector of input as the spawn transform. Causes RigTransform to be completely ignored.use_world_space
(bool): [Read-Write] Use world space (as opposed to local space) for points.
- property linear_approximation_mode¶
[Read-Write] Causes a linear approximation of the spline points to be generated instead of relying purely on the passed in points / curves.
- property linear_approximation_param¶
[Read-Write] This is only used if LinearApproximationMode is not None. When mode is Density: See FSplinePositionLinearApproximation::Build.
When mode is IntegrationStep: Integration step (in CM) between approximation points. Decreasing this value will increase the number of spline points and will therefore increase the accuracy (at the cost of increased complexity).
- Type