
class unreal.VPCameraRigSpawnParams(use_world_space=True, use_first_point_as_spawn_location=False, linear_approximation_mode=VPCameraRigSpawnLinearApproximationMode.NONE, linear_approximation_param=1.0)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Parameters used to custom the CameraRig that’s created.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: VirtualProductionUtilities

  • Module: VPUtilities

  • File: VPCameraBlueprintLibrary.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • linear_approximation_mode (VPCameraRigSpawnLinearApproximationMode): [Read-Write] Causes a linear approximation of the spline points to be generated instead of relying purely on the passed in points / curves.

  • linear_approximation_param (float): [Read-Write] This is only used if LinearApproximationMode is not None. When mode is Density: See FSplinePositionLinearApproximation::Build.

    When mode is IntegrationStep: Integration step (in CM) between approximation points. Decreasing this value will increase the number of spline points and will therefore increase the accuracy (at the cost of increased complexity).

  • use_first_point_as_spawn_location (bool): [Read-Write] Use the first vector of input as the spawn transform. Causes RigTransform to be completely ignored.

  • use_world_space (bool): [Read-Write] Use world space (as opposed to local space) for points.

property linear_approximation_mode

[Read-Write] Causes a linear approximation of the spline points to be generated instead of relying purely on the passed in points / curves.



property linear_approximation_param

[Read-Write] This is only used if LinearApproximationMode is not None. When mode is Density: See FSplinePositionLinearApproximation::Build.

When mode is IntegrationStep: Integration step (in CM) between approximation points. Decreasing this value will increase the number of spline points and will therefore increase the accuracy (at the cost of increased complexity).



property use_first_point_as_spawn_location

[Read-Write] Use the first vector of input as the spawn transform. Causes RigTransform to be completely ignored.



property use_world_space

[Read-Write] Use world space (as opposed to local space) for points.

