
class unreal.SplineMeshParams

Bases: StructBase

Structure that holds info about spline, passed to renderer to deform UStaticMesh. Also used by Lightmass, so be sure to update Lightmass::FSplineMeshParams and the static lighting code if this changes!

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: SplineMeshComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • end_offset (Vector2D): [Read-Write] Ending offset of the mesh from the spline, in component space.

  • end_pos (Vector): [Read-Write] End location of spline, in component space.

  • end_roll (float): [Read-Write] Roll around spline applied at end.

  • end_scale (Vector2D): [Read-Write] X and Y scale applied to mesh at end of spline.

  • end_tangent (Vector): [Read-Write] End tangent of spline, in component space.

  • start_offset (Vector2D): [Read-Write] Starting offset of the mesh from the spline, in component space.

  • start_pos (Vector): [Read-Write] Start location of spline, in component space.

  • start_roll (float): [Read-Write] Roll around spline applied at start

  • start_scale (Vector2D): [Read-Write] X and Y scale applied to mesh at start of spline.

  • start_tangent (Vector): [Read-Write] Start tangent of spline, in component space.