
class unreal.SolverInput

Bases: StructBase

Solver Input

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: FullBodyIK

  • Module: FullBodyIK

  • File: FBIKShared.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • angular_motion_strength (float): [Read-Write] * This value is applied to the target information for effectors, which influence back to * Joint’s motion that are affected by the end effector * The reason min/max is used when we apply the depth through the chain that are affected

  • damping (float): [Read-Write] The precision to use for the fabrik solver

  • default_target_clamp (float): [Read-Write] This is a scale value (range from 0-0.7) that is used to stablize the target vector. If less, it’s more stable, but it can reduce speed of converge.

  • linear_motion_strength (float): [Read-Write] * This value is applied to the target information for effectors, which influence back to * Joint’s motion that are affected by the end effector * The reason min/max is used when we apply the depth through the chain that are affected

  • max_iterations (int32): [Read-Write] The maximum number of iterations. Values between 4 and 16 are common.

  • min_angular_motion_strength (float): [Read-Write]

  • min_linear_motion_strength (float): [Read-Write]

  • precision (float): [Read-Write] The precision to use for the solver

  • use_jacobian_transpose (bool): [Read-Write] Cheaper solution than default Jacobian Pseudo Inverse Damped Least Square