
class unreal.Skeleton(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

USkeletonthat links between mesh and animation
  • Bone hierarchy for animations

  • Bone/track linkup between mesh and animation

  • Retargetting related

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: Skeleton.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • asset_user_data (Array[AssetUserData]): [Read-Write] Array of user data stored with the asset

  • bone_tree (Array[BoneNode]): [Read-Only] Skeleton bone tree - each contains name and parent index*

  • compatible_skeletons (Array[Skeleton]): [Read-Write] The list of compatible skeletons. This is an array of TSoftObjectPtr in order to prevent all skeletons to be loaded, as we only want to load things on demand. As this is EditAnywhere and an array of TSoftObjectPtr, checking validity of pointers is needed.

add_compatible_skeleton(source_skeleton) None

Add Compatible Skeleton


source_skeleton (Skeleton) –

add_compatible_skeleton_soft(source_skeleton) None

Add Compatible Skeleton Soft


source_skeleton (Skeleton) –

property compatible_skeletons: None

[Read-Only] The list of compatible skeletons. This is an array of TSoftObjectPtr in order to prevent all skeletons to be loaded, as we only want to load things on demand. As this is EditAnywhere and an array of TSoftObjectPtr, checking validity of pointers is needed.



find_curve_identifier(name, curve_type) AnimationCurveIdentifier

Tries to construct a valid FAnimationCurveIdentifier instance. It tries to find the underlying SmartName on the provided Skeleton for the provided curve type. deprecated: Curve identifiers are no longer retrievable globally from the skeleton, they are specified per-animation.


Valid FAnimationCurveIdentifier if the name exists on the skeleton and the operation was successful, invalid otherwise

Return type:


get_blend_profile(profile_name) BlendProfile

Get the specified blend profile by name


profile_name (Name) –

Return type:


get_curve_identifier(name, curve_type) AnimationCurveIdentifier

Get Curve Identifier deprecated: Please use SetCurveIdentifier.

Return type:


get_curve_identifiers(curve_type) Array[AnimationCurveIdentifier]

Retrieves all curve identifiers for a specific curve types from the provided Skeleton deprecated: Curve identifiers are no longer retrievable globally from the skeleton, they are specified per-animation.


curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) – Type of the curve identifers to retrieve


Array of FAnimationCurveIdentifier instances each representing a unique curve if the operation was successful, empyty array otherwise

Return type:


get_reference_pose() AnimPose

Populates an Anim Pose with the reference poses stored for the provided USkeleton


out_pose (AnimPose): Anim pose to hold the reference pose

Return type:
