
class unreal.RotationRetargetingInfo

Bases: StructBase

The FRotationRetargetingInfo is used to provide all of the settings required to perform rotational retargeting on a single transform.

C++ Source:

  • Module: AnimGraphRuntime

  • File: CommonAnimationTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • clamp (bool): [Read-Write] If set to true the value for the easing will be clamped between 0.0 and 1.0

  • custom_curve (RuntimeFloatCurve): [Read-Write] Custom curve mapping to apply if bApplyCustomCurve is true

  • easing_type (EasingFuncType): [Read-Write] The easing to use - pick linear if you don’t want to apply any easing

  • easing_weight (float): [Read-Write] The amount of easing to apply (value should be 0.0 to 1.0)

  • enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Set to true this enables retargeting

  • flip_easing (bool): [Read-Write] If set to true the interpolation value for the easing will be flipped (1.0 - Value)

  • rotation_component (RotationComponent): [Read-Write] The rotation component to perform retargeting with

  • source (Transform): [Read-Write] The source transform of the frame of reference. The rotation is made relative to this space

  • source_maximum (float): [Read-Write] The maximum value of the source angle in degrees

  • source_minimum (float): [Read-Write] The minimum value of the source angle in degrees

  • target (Transform): [Read-Write] The target transform to project the rotation. In most cases this is the same as Source

  • target_maximum (float): [Read-Write] The target value of the target angle in degrees (can be the same as SourceMaximum)

  • target_minimum (float): [Read-Write] The minimum value of the target angle in degrees (can be the same as SourceMinimum)

  • twist_axis (Vector): [Read-Write] In case the rotation component is SwingAngle or TwistAngle this vector is used as the twist axis

  • use_absolute_angle (bool): [Read-Write] If set to true the angle will be always positive, thus resulting in mirrored rotation both ways