
class unreal.RigUnit_PropagateTransform(execute_context: ControlRigExecuteContext = [], item: RigElementKey = Ellipsis, recompute_global: bool = False, apply_to_children: bool = False, recursive: bool = False)

Bases: RigUnitMutable

Propagate Transform can be used to force a recalculation of a bone’s global transform from its local - as well as propagating that change onto the children.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ControlRig

  • Module: ControlRig

  • File: RigUnit_PropagateTransform.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • apply_to_children (bool): [Read-Write] Apply to Children: If set to true the direct children of this item will be recomputed as well. Combined with bRecursive all children will be affected recursively.

  • execute_context (ControlRigExecuteContext): [Read-Write] Execute Context: * This property is used to chain multiple mutable units together

  • item (RigElementKey): [Read-Write] Item: The item to offset the transform for

  • recompute_global (bool): [Read-Write] Recompute Global: If set to true the item’s global transform will be recomputed from its parent’s transform and its local.

  • recursive (bool): [Read-Write] Recursive: If set to true and with bApplyToChildren enabled all children will be affected recursively.

property apply_to_children: bool

[Read-Write] Apply to Children: If set to true the direct children of this item will be recomputed as well. Combined with bRecursive all children will be affected recursively.



property item: RigElementKey

[Read-Write] Item: The item to offset the transform for



property recompute_global: bool

[Read-Write] Recompute Global: If set to true the item’s global transform will be recomputed from its parent’s transform and its local.



property recursive: bool

[Read-Write] Recursive: If set to true and with bApplyToChildren enabled all children will be affected recursively.

