
class unreal.RigUnit_AddBoneTransform(execute_context: ControlRigExecuteContext = [], bone: Name = 'None', transform: Transform = Ellipsis, weight: float = 0.0, post_multiply: bool = False, propagate_to_children: bool = False)

Bases: RigUnitMutable

Offset Transform is used to perform a change in the hierarchy by setting a single bone’s transform.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ControlRig

  • Module: ControlRig

  • File: RigUnit_AddBoneTransform.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • bone (Name): [Read-Write] Bone: The name of the Bone to set the transform for.

  • execute_context (ControlRigExecuteContext): [Read-Write] Execute Context: * This property is used to chain multiple mutable units together

  • post_multiply (bool): [Read-Write] Post Multiply: If set to true the transform will be post multiplied, otherwise pre multiplied. Post multiplying means that the transform is understood as a parent space change, while pre multiplying means that the transform is understood as a child space change.

  • propagate_to_children (bool): [Read-Only] Propagate to Children: If set to true all of the global transforms of the children of this bone will be recalculated based on their local transforms. Note: This is computationally more expensive than turning it off.

  • transform (Transform): [Read-Write] Transform: The transform value to set for the given Bone.

  • weight (float): [Read-Write] Weight: The weight of the change - how much the change should be applied

property bone: Name

[Read-Write] Bone: The name of the Bone to set the transform for.



property post_multiply: bool

[Read-Write] Post Multiply: If set to true the transform will be post multiplied, otherwise pre multiplied. Post multiplying means that the transform is understood as a parent space change, while pre multiplying means that the transform is understood as a child space change.



property propagate_to_children: bool

[Read-Only] Propagate to Children: If set to true all of the global transforms of the children of this bone will be recalculated based on their local transforms. Note: This is computationally more expensive than turning it off.



property transform: Transform

[Read-Write] Transform: The transform value to set for the given Bone.



property weight: float

[Read-Write] Weight: The weight of the change - how much the change should be applied

