
class unreal.PreviewMaterial(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.Material

Preview Material

C++ Source:

  • Module: UnrealEd

  • File: PreviewMaterial.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_negative_emissive_color (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the material should allow outputting negative emissive color values. Only allowed on unlit materials.

  • allow_translucent_custom_depth_writes (bool): [Read-Write] Allows a translucent material to be used with custom depth writing by compiling additional shaders.

  • apply_cloud_fogging (bool): [Read-Write] When true, translucent materials receive cloud contribution as part of the fog evaluation, per vertex or per pixel according to the other selected options. This is a rough approximation but can help in some cases. Defaults to false. Fog is applied on clouds, so Apply Fogging must be true to use this feature.

  • asset_import_data (AssetImportData): [Read-Write] Importing data and options used for this material

  • asset_user_data (Array(AssetUserData)): [Read-Write] Array of user data stored with the asset

  • automatically_set_usage_in_editor (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to automatically set usage flags based on what the material is applied to in the editor. It can be useful to disable this on a base material with many instances, where adding another usage flag accidentally (eg bUsedWithSkeletalMeshes) can add a lot of shader permutations.

  • blend_mode (BlendMode): [Read-Write] Determines how the material’s color is blended with background colors.

  • blendable_location (BlendableLocation): [Read-Write] Where the node is inserted in the (post processing) graph, only used if domain is PostProcess

  • blendable_output_alpha (bool): [Read-Write] If this is enabled, the blendable will output alpha

  • blendable_priority (int32): [Read-Write] If multiple nodes with the same type are inserted at the same point, this defined order and if they get combined, only used if domain is PostProcess

  • block_gi (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, the material’s opacity defines how much GI is blocked when using the LightPropagationVolume feature

  • cast_dynamic_shadow_as_masked (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the material should cast shadows as masked even though it has a translucent blend mode.

  • cast_ray_traced_shadows (bool): [Read-Write] when true, the material casts ray tracing shadows.

  • compute_fog_per_pixel (bool): [Read-Write] When true, translucent materials have fog computed for every pixel, which costs more but fixes artifacts due to low tessellation.

  • contact_shadows (bool): [Read-Write] Contact shadows on translucency

  • d3d11_tessellation_mode (MaterialTessellationMode): [Read-Write] D3D11Tessellation Mode

  • decal_blend_mode (DecalBlendMode): [Read-Write] Defines how the GBuffer chanels are getting manipulated by a decal material pass. (only with MaterialDomain == MD_DeferredDecal)

  • disable_depth_test (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to draw on top of opaque pixels even if behind them. This only has meaning for translucency.

  • dither_opacity_mask (bool): [Read-Write] Dither opacity mask. When combined with Temporal AA this can be used as a form of limited translucency which supports all lighting features.

  • dithered_lod_transition (bool): [Read-Write] Whether meshes rendered with the material should support dithered LOD transitions.

  • enable_adaptive_tessellation (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Adaptive Tessellation

  • enable_crack_free_displacement (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Crack Free Displacement

  • enable_mobile_separate_translucency (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the translucent material should not be affected by bloom or DOF. (Note: Depth testing is not available)

  • enable_responsive_aa (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material should be rendered using responsive anti-aliasing. Improves sharpness of small moving particles such as sparks. Only use for small moving features because it will cause aliasing of the background.

  • enable_separate_translucency (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material should be rendered in the SeparateTranslucency Pass (not affected by DOF, requires bAllowSeparateTranslucency to be set in .ini).

  • enable_stencil_test (bool): [Read-Write] Selectively execute post process material only for pixels that pass the stencil test against the Custom Depth/Stencil buffer. Pixels that fail the stencil test are filled with the previous post process material output or scene color.

  • forward_blends_sky_light_cubemaps (bool): [Read-Write] * Enables blending of sky light cubemap textures. When disabled, the secondary cubemap is only visible when the blend factor is 1.

  • forward_render_use_preintegrated_gf_for_simple_ibl (bool): [Read-Write] Forward (including mobile) renderer: use preintegrated GF lut for simple IBL, but will use one more sampler.

  • fully_rough (bool): [Read-Write] Forces the material to be completely rough. Saves a number of instructions and one sampler.

  • generate_spherical_particle_normals (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to generate spherical normals for particles that use this material.

  • is_blendable (bool): [Read-Write] Allows blendability to be turned off, only used if domain is PostProcess

  • is_sky (bool): [Read-Write] Unlit and Opaque materials can be used as sky material on a sky dome mesh. When IsSky is true, these meshes will not receive any contribution from the aerial perspective. Height and Volumetric fog effects will still be applied.

  • lightmass_settings (LightmassMaterialInterfaceSettings): [Read-Write] The Lightmass settings for this object.

  • material_decal_response (MaterialDecalResponse): [Read-Write] Defines how the material reacts on DBuffer decals (Affects look, performance and texture/sample usage). Non DBuffer Decals can be disabled on the primitive (e.g. static mesh)

  • material_domain (MaterialDomain): [Read-Write] The domain that the material’s attributes will be evaluated in. Certain pieces of material functionality are only valid in certain domains, for example vertex normal is only valid on a surface.

  • max_displacement (float): [Read-Write] Max Displacement

  • normal_curvature_to_roughness (bool): [Read-Write] Reduce roughness based on screen space normal changes.

  • num_customized_u_vs (int32): [Read-Write] Number of customized UV inputs to display. Unconnected customized UV inputs will just pass through the vertex UVs.

  • opacity_mask_clip_value (float): [Read-Write] If BlendMode is BLEND_Masked, the surface is not rendered where OpacityMask < OpacityMaskClipValue. If BlendMode is BLEND_Translucent, BLEND_Additive, or BLEND_Modulate, and “Output Velocity” is enabled, the object velocity is not rendered where Opacity < OpacityMaskClipValue.

  • output_translucent_velocity (bool): [Read-Write] When true, translucent materials will output motion vectors and write to depth buffer in velocity pass.

  • parameter_group_data (Array(ParameterGroupData)): [Read-Write] Controls where this parameter group is displayed in a material instance parameter list. The lower the number the higher up in the parameter list.

  • phys_material (PhysicalMaterial): [Read-Write] Physical material to use for this graphics material. Used for sounds, effects etc.

  • phys_material_mask (PhysicalMaterialMask): [Read-Write] Physical material mask to use for this graphics material. Used for sounds, effects etc.

  • physical_material_map (PhysicalMaterial): [Read-Write] Physical material mask map to use for this graphics material. Used for sounds, effects etc.

  • preview_mesh (SoftObjectPath): [Read-Write] The mesh used by the material editor to preview the material.

  • refraction_depth_bias (float): [Read-Write] This is the refraction depth bias, larger values offset distortion to prevent closer objects from rendering into the distorted surface at acute viewing angles but increases the disconnect between surface and where the refraction starts.

  • refraction_mode (RefractionMode): [Read-Write] Controls how the Refraction input is interpreted and how the refraction offset into scene color is computed for this material.

  • screen_space_reflections (bool): [Read-Write] SSR on translucency

  • shading_model (MaterialShadingModel): [Read-Write] Determines how inputs are combined to create the material’s final color.

  • shading_rate (MaterialShadingRate): [Read-Write] Select what shading rate to apply for platforms that have variable rate shading

  • stencil_compare (MaterialStencilCompare): [Read-Write] Stencil Compare

  • stencil_ref_value (uint8): [Read-Write] Stencil Ref Value

  • subsurface_profile (SubsurfaceProfile): [Read-Write] SubsurfaceProfile, for Screen Space Subsurface Scattering

  • tangent_space_normal (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the material takes a tangent space normal or a world space normal as input. (TangentSpace requires extra instructions but is often more convenient).

  • thumbnail_info (ThumbnailInfo): [Read-Only] Information for thumbnail rendering

  • translucency_directional_lighting_intensity (float): [Read-Write] Useful for artificially increasing the influence of the normal on the lighting result for translucency. A value larger than 1 increases the influence of the normal, a value smaller than 1 makes the lighting more ambient.

  • translucency_lighting_mode (TranslucencyLightingMode): [Read-Write] Sets the lighting mode that will be used on this material if it is translucent.

  • translucent_backscattering_exponent (float): [Read-Write] Controls how diffuse the material’s backscattering is when using the MSM_Subsurface shading model. Larger exponents give a less diffuse look (smaller, brighter backscattering highlight). This is only used when the object is casting a volumetric translucent shadow from a directional light.

  • translucent_multiple_scattering_extinction (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Colored extinction factor used to approximate multiple scattering in dense volumes. This is only used when the object is casting a volumetric translucent shadow.

  • translucent_self_shadow_density_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scale used to make translucent self-shadowing more or less opaque than the material’s shadow on other objects. This is only used when the object is casting a volumetric translucent shadow.

  • translucent_self_shadow_second_density_scale (float): [Read-Write] Used to make a second self shadow gradient, to add interesting shading in the shadow of the first.

  • translucent_self_shadow_second_opacity (float): [Read-Write] Controls the strength of the second self shadow gradient.

  • translucent_shadow_density_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scale used to make translucent shadows more or less opaque than the material’s actual opacity.

  • translucent_shadow_start_offset (float): [Read-Write] Local space distance to bias the translucent shadow. Positive values move the shadow away from the light.

  • two_sided (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material should be rendered without backface culling and the normal should be flipped for backfaces.

  • use_alpha_to_coverage (bool): [Read-Write] Use alpha to coverage for masked material on mobile, make sure MSAA is enabled as well.

  • use_emissive_for_dynamic_area_lighting (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, the material’s emissive colour is injected into the LightPropagationVolume

  • use_full_precision (bool): [Read-Write] Forces this material to use full (highp) precision in the pixel shader. This is slower than the default (mediump) but can be used to work around precision-related rendering errors. This setting has no effect on older mobile devices that do not support high precision.

  • use_hq_forward_reflections (bool): [Read-Write] * Forward renderer: enables multiple parallax-corrected reflection captures that blend together. * Mobile renderer: blend between nearest 3 reflection captures, but reduces the number of samplers available to the material as two more samplers will be used for reflection cubemaps.

  • use_lightmap_directionality (bool): [Read-Write] Use lightmap directionality and per pixel normals. If disabled, lighting from lightmaps will be flat but cheaper.

  • use_material_attributes (bool): [Read-Write] when true, the material attributes pin is used instead of the regular pins.

  • use_planar_forward_reflections (bool): [Read-Write] Enables planar reflection when using the forward renderer or mobile. Enabling this setting reduces the number of samplers available to the material as one more sampler will be used for the planar reflection.

  • use_translucency_vertex_fog (bool): [Read-Write] When true, translucent materials are fogged. Defaults to true.

  • used_shading_models (str): [Read-Only] These are the shading models present in this material. Note that all these shading models might not be used in all feature levels and quality levels.

  • used_with_beam_trails (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with beam trails This will result in the shaders required to support beam trails being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_clothing (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with clothing This will result in the shaders required to support clothing being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_editor_compositing (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with editor compositing This will result in the shaders required to support editor compositing being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_geometry_cache (bool): [Read-Write] Used with Geometry Cache

  • used_with_geometry_collections (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be use with geometry collections This will result in the shaders required to support geometry collections being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_hair_strands (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be use with hair strands This will result in the shaders required to support hair strands geometries being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_instanced_static_meshes (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with instanced static meshes This will result in the shaders required to support instanced static meshes being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_lidar_point_cloud (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be use with LiDAR Point Clouds This will result in the shaders required to support LiDAR Point Cloud geometries being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_mesh_particles (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with mesh particles This will result in the shaders required to support mesh particles being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_morph_targets (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with morph targets This will result in the shaders required to support morph targets being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_niagara_mesh_particles (bool): [Read-Write] Used with Niagara Mesh Particles

  • used_with_niagara_ribbons (bool): [Read-Write] Used with Niagara Ribbons

  • used_with_niagara_sprites (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with Niagara sprites (meshes and ribbons, respectively) This will result in the shaders required to support Niagara sprites being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_particle_sprites (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with particle sprites This will result in the shaders required to support particle sprites being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_skeletal_mesh (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with skeletal meshes. This will result in the shaders required to support skeletal meshes being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_spline_meshes (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with spline meshes This will result in the shaders required to support spline meshes being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_static_lighting (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with static lighting This will result in the shaders required to support static lighting being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_virtual_heightfield_mesh (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be used with Virtual Heightfield Mesh. This will result in the shaders required to support Virtual Heightfield Mesh geometries being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • used_with_water (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material and its instances can be use with water This will result in the shaders required to support water meshes being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.

  • wireframe (bool): [Read-Write] Enables a wireframe view of the mesh the material is applied to.

  • write_depth_to_translucent_material (bool): [Read-Write] Write depth to translucent materials in the mobile forward renderer (currently only supported on the HoloLens 2 device).

  • write_only_alpha (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the transluency pass should write its alpha, and only the alpha, into the framebuffer