
class unreal.PolygonToSplit(polygon_id=[- 1], vertex_pairs_to_split_at=[])

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Polygon to Split

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: EditableMesh

  • Module: EditableMesh

  • File: EditableMeshTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • polygon_id (PolygonID): [Read-Write] The polygon that we’ll be splitting

  • vertex_pairs_to_split_at (Array(VertexPair)): [Read-Write] A list of pairs of vertices that new edges will be created at. The pairs must be ordered, and the vertices

    must already exist and be connected to the polygon

property polygon_id

[Read-Write] The polygon that we’ll be splitting



property vertex_pairs_to_split_at

[Read-Write] A list of pairs of vertices that new edges will be created at. The pairs must be ordered, and the vertices must already exist and be connected to the polygon

