
class unreal.PolygonToCreate(polygon_group_id=[- 1], perimeter_vertices=[], original_polygon_id=[- 1], polygon_edge_hardness=PolygonEdgeHardness.NEW_EDGES_SOFT)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Polygon to Create

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: EditableMesh

  • Module: EditableMesh

  • File: EditableMeshTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • original_polygon_id (PolygonID): [Read-Write] The original ID of the polygon. Should only be used by the undo system.

  • perimeter_vertices (Array(VertexAndAttributes)): [Read-Write] Ordered list of vertices that defines the polygon’s perimeter, along with the polygon vertex attributes to set for each vertex

  • polygon_edge_hardness (PolygonEdgeHardness): [Read-Write] Whether to create a hard-edged polygon

  • polygon_group_id (PolygonGroupID): [Read-Write] The group the polygon will be added to

property original_polygon_id

[Read-Write] The original ID of the polygon. Should only be used by the undo system.



property perimeter_vertices

[Read-Write] Ordered list of vertices that defines the polygon’s perimeter, along with the polygon vertex attributes to set for each vertex



property polygon_edge_hardness

[Read-Write] Whether to create a hard-edged polygon



property polygon_group_id

[Read-Write] The group the polygon will be added to

