- class unreal.PhysicalMaterialStrength(tensile_strength: float = 0.0, compression_strength: float = 0.0, shear_strength: float = 0.0)¶
Defines the directional strengths of a physical material in term of force per surface area
C++ Source:
Module: PhysicsCore
File: PhysicalMaterial.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(float): [Read-Write] Compression strength of the material in MegaPascal ( 10^6 N/m2 ) This amount of compression force per area the material can withstand before it fractures, crumbles or bucklesshear_strength
(float): [Read-Write] Shear strength of the material in MegaPascal ( 10^6 N/m2 ) This amount of shear force per area the material can withstand before it fracturestensile_strength
(float): [Read-Write] Tensile strength of the material in MegaPascal ( 10^6 N/m2 ) This amount of tension force per area the material can withstand before it fractures
- property compression_strength: float¶
[Read-Only] Compression strength of the material in MegaPascal ( 10^6 N/m2 ) This amount of compression force per area the material can withstand before it fractures, crumbles or buckles
- Type: