- class unreal.ParticleRandomSeedInfo¶
Particle Random Seed Info
C++ Source:
Module: Engine
File: ParticleModule.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(bool): [Read-Write] Get Seed from Instance: If true, the module will attempt to get the seed from the owner instance. If that fails, it will fall back to getting it from the RandomSeeds array.instance_seed_is_index
(bool): [Read-Write] Instance Seed Is Index: If true, the seed value retrieved from the instance will be an index into the array of seeds.parameter_name
(Name): [Read-Write] Parameter Name: The name to expose to the placed instances for setting this seedrandom_seeds
(Array[int32]): [Read-Write] Random Seeds: The random seed values to utilize for the module. More than 1 means the instance will randomly select one.randomly_select_seed_array
(bool): [Read-Write] Randomly Select Seed Array: If true, then randomly select a seed entry from the RandomSeeds arrayreset_seed_on_emitter_looping
(bool): [Read-Write] Reset Seed on Emitter Looping: If true, then reset the seed upon the emitter looping. For looping environmental effects this should likely be set to false to avoid a repeating pattern.