
class unreal.ParticleModuleSpawn(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.ParticleModuleSpawnBase

Particle Module Spawn

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: ParticleModuleSpawn.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • apply_global_spawn_rate_scale (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the SpawnRate will be scaled by the global CVar r.EmitterSpawnRateScale

  • b3d_draw_mode (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the module should render its 3D visualization helper

  • burst_list (Array(ParticleBurst)): [Read-Write] The array of burst entries.

  • burst_scale (RawDistributionFloat): [Read-Write] Scale all burst entries by this amount.

  • module_editor_color (Color): [Read-Write] The color to draw the modules curves in the curve editor.

    If bCurvesAsColor is true, it overrides this value.

  • particle_burst_method (ParticleBurstMethod): [Read-Write] The method to utilize when burst-emitting particles.

  • process_burst_list (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the BurstList of the SpawnModule of the emitter will be processed. If mutliple Spawn modules are ‘stacked’ in an emitter, if ANY of them have this set to false, it will not process the SpawnModule BurstList.

  • process_spawn_rate (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the SpawnRate of the SpawnModule of the emitter will be processed. If mutliple Spawn modules are ‘stacked’ in an emitter, if ANY of them have this set to false, it will not process the SpawnModule SpawnRate.

  • rate (RawDistributionFloat): [Read-Write] The rate at which to spawn particles.

  • rate_scale (RawDistributionFloat): [Read-Write] The scalar to apply to the rate.

get_particle_module_spawn_props() -> (out_rate=Distribution, out_rate_scale=Distribution, out_burst_method=ParticleBurstMethod, out_burst_list=Array(ParticleBurstBlueprint), out_burst_scale=Distribution, out_apply_global_spawn_rate_scale=bool, out_process_spawn_rate=bool, out_process_spawn_burst=bool)

Get Particle Module Spawn Props


out_rate (Distribution):

out_rate_scale (Distribution):

out_burst_method (ParticleBurstMethod):

out_burst_list (Array(ParticleBurstBlueprint)):

out_burst_scale (Distribution):

out_apply_global_spawn_rate_scale (bool):

out_process_spawn_rate (bool):

out_process_spawn_burst (bool):

Return type
